package uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.messages; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.config.CharacterConfig; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.config.CharacterProperties; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.config.PartyConfig; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.config.ScenarioConfig; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Arrays; import; public class GameStructureMessage extends BasicMessage { // TODO: ADD ENUM FOR THIS String assignment; /** The name of the first player */ String playerOneName; /** The name of the second player */ String playerTwoName; /** The characters that the first player has chosen (and is therefore playing with in this match) */ CharacterProperties[] playerOneCharacters; /** The characters that the second player has chosen (and is therefore playing with in this match) */ CharacterProperties[] playerTwoCharacters; /** The {@link PartyConfig Party Configuration} of the current match */ PartyConfig matchconfig; /** The {@link ScenarioConfig Scenario Configuration} of the current scenario */ ScenarioConfig scenarioconfig; @JsonIgnore public CharacterConfig getCharacterConfig() { CharacterConfig characterConfig = new CharacterConfig(); characterConfig.characters = Stream .concat(, .toArray(CharacterProperties[]::new); return characterConfig; } }