package uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.gamelogic; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.IntVector2; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.Tuple; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.entities.*; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.entities.Character; import*; import; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.requests.CharacterRequest; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.requests.Request; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.requests.RequestType; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.util.ArrayList; /** Contains game logic handling. */ class GameLogic { /** * Produces resulting {@link Event}s from a given {@link Request}. * @param state The game state to execute on * @param request The request to execute * @return The list of resulting events */ public static ArrayList executeRequest(GameState state, Request request) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); switch(request.type) { case MeleeAttackRequest, RangedAttackRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; result.add(new EventBuilder(request.type == RequestType.MeleeAttackRequest ? EventType.MeleeAttackEvent : EventType.RangedAttackEvent) .withOriginEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetEntity(data.targetEntity) .withOriginField(data.originField) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withAmount(data.value) .buildCharacterEvent()); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedAPEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetField(data.originField) .withAmount(1) .buildEntityEvent()); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.TakenDamageEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.targetEntity) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withAmount(data.value) .buildEntityEvent()); } case MoveRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.MoveEvent) .withOriginEntity(data.originEntity) .withOriginField(data.originField) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .buildCharacterEvent()); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedMPEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetField(data.targetField) //when this event gets handled, the character already moved to the target field .withAmount(1) .buildEntityEvent()); for(Entity entity: state.entities.findByPosition(data.targetField)) { if(entity instanceof Character) { result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.MoveEvent) .withOriginEntity( .withOriginField(data.targetField) .withTargetField(data.originField) .buildCharacterEvent()); break; //we should only have one character per field anyways } } } case ExchangeInfinityStoneRequest, UseInfinityStoneRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; result.add(new EventBuilder(request.type == RequestType.ExchangeInfinityStoneRequest ? EventType.ExchangeInfinityStoneEvent : EventType.UseInfinityStoneEvent) .withOriginEntity(data.originEntity) .withOriginField(data.originField) .withTargetEntity(data.targetEntity) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withStoneType(data.stoneType) .buildCharacterEvent()); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedAPEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetField(data.originField) .withAmount(1) .buildEntityEvent()); if(request.type == RequestType.UseInfinityStoneRequest) { switch(((CharacterRequest) request).stoneType) { case SpaceStone -> { result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.MoveEvent) .withOriginEntity(data.originEntity) .withOriginField(data.originField) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .buildCharacterEvent()); } case MindStone -> { EntityType target = data.originEntity.type == EntityType.P1 ? EntityType.P2 : EntityType.P1; Line2D line = new Line2D.Float(data.originField.getX(), data.originField.getY(), data.targetField.getX(), data.targetField.getY()); for(int i = data.originField.getX(); i <= data.targetField.getX(); i++) { for(int j = data.originField.getY(); j <= data.targetField.getY(); j++) { var cell = new Rectangle.Float(i - 0.5f, j - 0.5f, 1, 1); if(line.intersects(cell)) { for(Entity entity: state.entities.findByPosition(data.targetField)) { if( { result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.TakenDamageEvent) .withTargetEntity( .withTargetField(new IntVector2(i, j)) .withAmount(data.value) .buildEntityEvent()); } } } } } } case RealityStone -> { if(data.originEntity == data.targetEntity) { // => place stone //TODO: use config values result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.SpawnEntityEvent) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withEntity(new Rock(new EntityID(EntityType.Rocks, state.entities.findFreeRockSlot()), data.targetField, 100)) .buildEntityEvent()); }else { // => destroy stone result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.DestroyedEntityEvent) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withTargetEntity(data.targetEntity) .buildEntityEvent()); } } case PowerStone -> { Character origin = (Character)state.entities.findEntity(data.originEntity); int dmg = (int)Math.round(origin.hp.getValue() * 0.1); if(origin.hp.getValue() != 1 && dmg > 0) { result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.TakenDamageEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetField(data.originField) .withAmount(dmg) .buildEntityEvent()); } result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.TakenDamageEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.targetEntity) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withAmount(data.value) .buildEntityEvent()); } case TimeStone -> { Character origin = (Character)state.entities.findEntity(data.originEntity); int ap = origin.ap.max - origin.ap.getValue(); if(ap < 0) { result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedAPEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetField(data.originField) .withAmount(ap) .buildEntityEvent()); } int mp = -; if(mp < 0) { result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedMPEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.originEntity) .withTargetField(data.originField) .withAmount(mp) .buildEntityEvent()); } } case SoulStone -> { Character target = (Character)state.entities.findEntity(data.targetEntity); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.HealedEvent) .withTargetEntity(data.targetEntity) .withTargetField(data.targetField) .withAmount(target.hp.max) .buildEntityEvent()); } } } } case Req -> { result.add(buildGameStateEvent(state)); } } return result; } /** * Builds a {@link EventType#GamestateEvent} for the given {@link GameState}. * @param state The game state to use * @return The resulting event */ public static Event buildGameStateEvent(GameState state) { return new EventBuilder(EventType.GamestateEvent) .withEntities(state.entities.export()) .withTurnOrder((EntityID[])state.turnOrder.toArray()) .withMapSize(state.mapSize) .withActiveCharacter(state.activeCharacter) .withStoneCooldowns(state.stoneCooldown.export()) .withWinCondition(state.won) .buildGameStateEvent(); } /** * Checks a {@link Request} for validity for a {@link GameState}. * @param state The game state to check on * @param request The request to validate * @return Whether or not the request is valid */ public static boolean checkRequest(GameState state, Request request) { try { switch(request.type) { case MeleeAttackRequest, RangedAttackRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; Character origin = getCharacter(state, data.originField, data.originEntity); Character target = getCharacter(state, data.targetField, data.targetEntity); requireAlive(origin); requireAlive(target); requireAP(origin, 1); if(request.type == RequestType.MeleeAttackRequest) { if(origin.meleeDamage != data.value) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } if(data.originField.distanceChebyshev(data.targetField) > 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } }else if(request.type == RequestType.RangedAttackRequest) { if(origin.rangedDamage != data.value) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } if(data.originField.distanceChebyshev(data.targetField) > origin.attackRange) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } if(data.originField.distanceChebyshev(data.targetField) <= 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } requireLineOfSight(state, data.originField, data.targetField); } return true; } case MoveRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; Character origin = getCharacter(state, data.originField, data.originEntity); requireAlive(origin); requireMP(origin, 1); verifyCoordinates(state, data.targetField); if(data.originField.distanceChebyshev(data.targetField) != 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } if(state.entities.blocksMovement(data.targetField)) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } return true; } case ExchangeInfinityStoneRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; Character origin = getCharacter(state, data.originField, data.originEntity); Character target = getCharacter(state, data.targetField, data.targetEntity); requireAlive(origin); requireAlive(target); requireAP(origin, 1); requireInfinityStone(origin, data.stoneType); if(data.originField.distanceChebyshev(data.targetField) != 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } return true; } case UseInfinityStoneRequest -> { CharacterRequest data = (CharacterRequest)request; Character origin = getCharacter(state, data.originField, data.originEntity); requireAlive(origin); requireAP(origin, 1); requireInfinityStone(origin, data.stoneType); switch(((CharacterRequest) request).stoneType) { case SpaceStone -> { verifyCoordinates(state, data.targetField); if(state.entities.blocksMovement(data.targetField)) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } case MindStone -> { if(data.originField == data.targetField) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } //TODO: mind stone damage check (config) ??????? } case RealityStone -> { if(data.originEntity == data.targetEntity) { // => place stone if(state.entities.findByPosition(data.targetField).size() != 0) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } }else { // => destroy stone boolean hasRock = false; for(Entity entity: state.entities.findByPosition(data.targetField)) { if( { hasRock = true; break; } } if(!hasRock) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } } case PowerStone -> { Character target = getCharacter(state, data.targetField, data.targetEntity); requireAlive(target); if(origin.rangedDamage * 2 != data.value) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } case TimeStone -> { // "👍 i approve" - the server } case SoulStone -> { Character target = getCharacter(state, data.targetField, data.targetEntity); if(target.hp.getValue() != 0) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } } return true; } case Req -> { return true; } } }catch(Exception ignored) { return false; } return false; } /** * Retrieves a {@link Character} for a {@link Request}. * @param state The game state to use * @param position The requested position * @param entityID The requested {@link EntityID} * @return The found character * @throws InvalidRequestException if the character is invalid or not found */ private static Character getCharacter(GameState state, IntVector2 position, EntityID entityID) throws InvalidRequestException { Entity entity = state.entities.findEntity(entityID); if(entity == null || entity.getPosition() != position || !(entity instanceof Character)) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } try { return (Character)entity; }catch(Exception ignored) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } /** * Verifies that a {@link Character} is alive. */ private static void requireAlive(Character entity) throws InvalidRequestException { if(entity.hp.getValue() <= 0 || !entity.isActive()) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } /** * Verifies that a {@link Character} has enough {@link StatType#AP}. */ private static void requireAP(Character entity, int ap) throws InvalidRequestException { if(entity.ap.getValue() < ap) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } /** * Verifies that a {@link Character} has enough {@link StatType#MP}. */ private static void requireMP(Character entity, int mp) throws InvalidRequestException { if( < mp) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } /** * Verifies that a {@link Character} has the required {@link StoneType}. */ private static void requireInfinityStone(Character entity, StoneType stone) throws InvalidRequestException { if(stone == null || !entity.inventory.hasStone(stone)) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } /** * Verifies that coordinates are within the playing area. */ private static void verifyCoordinates(GameState state, IntVector2 position) throws InvalidRequestException { if(position.getX() < 0 || position.getX() >= state.mapSize.getX() || position.getY() < 0 || position.getY() >= state.mapSize.getY()) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } /** * Verifies that there is a line of sight between two positions. */ private static void requireLineOfSight(GameState state, IntVector2 start, IntVector2 end) throws InvalidRequestException { //naive code for the win!!! \o/ //at least its early exit and probably only O(ln(n*m)) //TODO: implement proper line rasterization algorithm in GameLogic.requireLineOfSight Line2D line = new Line2D.Float(start.getX(), start.getY(), end.getX(), end.getY()); for(int i = start.getX(); i <= end.getX(); i++) { for(int j = start.getY(); j <= end.getY(); j++) { var cell = new Rectangle.Float(i - 0.5f, j - 0.5f, 1, 1); if(line.intersects(cell)) { if(state.entities.blocksVision(new IntVector2(i, j))) { throw new InvalidRequestException(); } } } } } /** * Applies an {@link Event} to a {@link GameState}. * @param state The game state to apply to * @param event The event to apply */ public static void applyEvent(GameState state, Event event) { switch(event.type) { case DestroyedEntityEvent -> { state.entities.removeEntity(((EntityEvent)event).targetEntity); } case TakenDamageEvent -> { ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).targetEntity)).hp.decreaseValue(((CharacterEvent)event).amount); } case ConsumedAPEvent -> { ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).targetEntity)).ap.decreaseValue(((CharacterEvent)event).amount); } case ConsumedMPEvent -> { ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).targetEntity)).mp.decreaseValue(((CharacterEvent)event).amount); } case SpawnEntityEvent -> { state.entities.addEntity(((EntityEvent)event).entity); } case HealedEvent -> { ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).targetEntity)).hp.increaseValue(((CharacterEvent)event).amount); } case MoveEvent -> { (state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).originEntity)).setPosition(((CharacterEvent)event).targetField); } case ExchangeInfinityStoneEvent -> { ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).originEntity)).inventory.removeStone(((CharacterEvent)event).stoneType); ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(((CharacterEvent)event).targetEntity)).inventory.addStone(((CharacterEvent)event).stoneType); } } } /** * Starts end of round handling if necessary. * @param state The game state to work on * @return The list of resulting {@link Event}s */ public static ArrayList checkTurnEnd(GameState state) { if( ((Character) state.entities.findEntity(state.activeCharacter)).ap.getValue() <= 0 && ((Character) state.entities.findEntity(state.activeCharacter)).mp.getValue() <= 0 ) { return handleTurnEnd(state); } return new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Handles everything that happens at the end of a turn, including new rounds. * @param state The game state to work on * @return The list of resulting {@link Event}s */ public static ArrayList handleTurnEnd(GameState state) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList order = state.turnOrder; ArrayList alive = new ArrayList<>(); state.turnNumber++; boolean newRound = false; for (EntityID id: order) { Character character = ((Character)state.entities.findEntity(id)); if(character.hp.getValue() > 0){ alive.add(id); } if(character.inventory.getFreeSlots() == 0) { // no slots => has all infinity stones state.won = true; result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.WinEvent) .withPlayerWon( .buildGameEvent()); return result; } } if(alive.isEmpty()) { //thanos win handling }else { int activeIndex = state.activeCharacter != null ? alive.indexOf(state.activeCharacter) : -1; if(activeIndex == -1 || activeIndex == alive.size() - 1) { state.activeCharacter = alive.get(0); //reached end of turn order, new round state.roundNumber++; newRound = true; }else { state.activeCharacter = alive.get(activeIndex + 1); } Character activeCharacter = (Character)state.entities.findEntity(state.activeCharacter); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedAPEvent) .withTargetEntity(state.activeCharacter) .withTargetField(activeCharacter.getPosition()) .withAmount(activeCharacter.ap.getValue() - activeCharacter.ap.max) .buildGameEvent()); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.ConsumedMPEvent) .withTargetEntity(state.activeCharacter) .withTargetField(activeCharacter.getPosition()) .withAmount( - .buildGameEvent()); result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.TurnEvent) .withTurnCount(alive.size()) .withNextCharacter(state.activeCharacter) .buildGameEvent()); } if(newRound) { //special round handling //shuffle turn order /* result.add(new EventBuilder(EventType.RoundSetupEvent) .buildGameEvent()); */ } return result; } /** * Checks a {@link GameState} for the current overtime win condition. * @param state The game state to check * @return The {@link ParticipantType} that is currently winning the game according to overtime ruling */ public static ParticipantType checkWinConditions(GameState state) { //TODO: GameLogic.checkWinConditions is kind of ugly Tuple player1; Tuple player2; int value1; int value2; for(WinCondition condition: WinCondition.values()) { player1 = new Tuple(ParticipantType.Player1, condition); player2 = new Tuple(ParticipantType.Player2, condition); value1 = 0; value2 = 0; if(state.winConditions.containsKey(player1)) { value1 = state.winConditions.get(player1); } if(state.winConditions.containsKey(player2)) { value2 = state.winConditions.get(player2); } if(value1 > value2) { return ParticipantType.Player1; } if(value2 > value1) { return ParticipantType.Player2; } } return ParticipantType.None; } }