367 lines
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367 lines
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package uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.gamelogic;
import net.jqwik.api.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.IntVector2;
import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.config.*;
import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.entities.*;
import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.entities.Character;
import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.requests.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
class GameLogicTest {
private static final Iterator<Integer> randomIntegers = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints().iterator();
private static final PartyConfig partyConfig = new PartyConfig();
private static final CharacterConfig characterConfig = new CharacterConfig();
private static final ScenarioConfig scenarioConfig = new ScenarioConfig();
private static final ArrayList<Integer> player1Selection = new ArrayList<>();
private static final ArrayList<Integer> player2Selection = new ArrayList<>();
static void setUp() {
partyConfig.maxRounds = 100;
partyConfig.mindStoneCD = 2;
partyConfig.powerStoneCD = 3;
partyConfig.realityStoneCD = 4;
partyConfig.soulStoneCD = 5;
partyConfig.spaceStoneCD = 6;
partyConfig.timeStoneCD = 7;
partyConfig.mindStoneDMG = 3;
characterConfig.characters = new CharacterProperties[] {
generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(),
generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter(), generateCharacter()
scenarioConfig.name = generateName(20);
scenarioConfig.author = generateName(20);
scenarioConfig.scenario = new FieldType[20][20];
for(int x = 0; x < scenarioConfig.scenario[0].length; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < scenarioConfig.scenario.length; y++) {
if(Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 100) < 10) {
scenarioConfig.scenario[y][x] = FieldType.ROCK;
}else {
scenarioConfig.scenario[y][x] = FieldType.GRASS;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
for(int i = 6; i < 12; i++) {
private static String generateName(int length) {
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
name.append((char) (
65 + Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 26) + 32 * Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 2)
return name.toString();
private static CharacterProperties generateCharacter() {
CharacterProperties props = new CharacterProperties();
props.name = generateName(10);
props.HP = Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 15 + 5);
props.MP = Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 5 + 2);
props.AP = Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 5 + 2);
props.meleeDamage = Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 5 + 2);
props.rangedDamage = Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 5 + 2);
props.attackRange = Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % 5 + 2);
return props;
void testGeneration() {
GameInstance game = new GameInstance(partyConfig, characterConfig, scenarioConfig);
game.startGame(player1Selection, player2Selection);
int n = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < scenarioConfig.scenario[0].length; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < scenarioConfig.scenario.length; y++) {
if(scenarioConfig.scenario[y][x] == FieldType.ROCK) {
ArrayList<Entity> found = game.state.getEntities().findByPosition(new IntVector2(x, y));
assertEquals(1, found.size(), "Rock Entity "+n+" should exist");
assertEquals(EntityType.Rocks, found.get(0).id.type, "Rock Entity "+n+" should be of type Rock");
assertEquals(100, ((Rock)found.get(0)).getHp(), "Rock Entity "+n+" should have 100 HP");
n = 0;
for(Integer i: player1Selection) {
Entity found = game.state.getEntities().findEntity(new EntityID(EntityType.P1, n));
assertNotEquals(null, found, "Character Entity "+n+" for Player 1 should exist");
Character c = (Character)found;
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].HP, c.hp.getMax(), "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of HP");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].MP, c.mp.getMax(), "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of MP");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].AP, c.ap.getMax(), "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of AP");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].meleeDamage, c.meleeDamage, "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of meleeDamage");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].rangedDamage, c.rangedDamage, "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of rangedDamage");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].attackRange, c.attackRange, "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of attackRange");
n = 0;
for(Integer i: player2Selection) {
Entity found = game.state.getEntities().findEntity(new EntityID(EntityType.P2, n));
assertNotEquals(null, found, "Character Entity "+n+" for Player 2 should exist");
Character c = (Character)found;
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].HP, c.hp.getMax(), "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of HP");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].MP, c.mp.getMax(), "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of MP");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].AP, c.ap.getMax(), "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of AP");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].meleeDamage, c.meleeDamage, "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of meleeDamage");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].rangedDamage, c.rangedDamage, "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of rangedDamage");
assertEquals(characterConfig.characters[i].attackRange, c.attackRange, "Character "+n+" should have the right amount of attackRange");
void testSnapshot() {
GameState state = new GameState(partyConfig, characterConfig, scenarioConfig);
state.entities.addEntity(new Rock(new EntityID(EntityType.Rocks, 0), new IntVector2(0, 0), 100));
GameState snapshot = state.snapshot();
snapshot.turnNumber = 10;
assertEquals(0, state.turnNumber, "Original's turn number should remain unchanged");
assertTrue(snapshot.entities.getEntities().hasNext(), "Snapshot should contain cloned entities");
assertEquals(100, ((Rock)state.entities.getEntities().next()).getHp(), "Original's rock entity hp should remain unchanged");
void testGame() {
GameInstance server = new GameInstance(partyConfig, characterConfig, scenarioConfig);
server.startGame(player1Selection, player2Selection);
void testRasterize() {
ArrayList<IntVector2> result = GameLogic.rasterize(new IntVector2(0, 0), new IntVector2(1, 1), false, false);
assertEquals(0, result.size(), "Diagonals are not included");
IntVector2[] result2 = GameLogic.rasterize(new IntVector2(0, 0), new IntVector2(4, 0)).toArray(new IntVector2[0]);
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
new IntVector2(0, 0), new IntVector2(1, 0), new IntVector2(2, 0), new IntVector2(3, 0), new IntVector2(4, 0)
)), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(result2)), "Straight lines work correctly");
IntVector2[] result3 = GameLogic.rasterize(new IntVector2(0, 0), new IntVector2(2, 1)).toArray(new IntVector2[0]);
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
new IntVector2(0, 0), new IntVector2(1, 0), new IntVector2(1, 1), new IntVector2(2, 1))
), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(result3)), "Tilted lines work correctly");
void testPathfind() {
int size = 20;
IntVector2 a = new IntVector2(Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % size), Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % size));
IntVector2 b = new IntVector2(Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % size), Math.abs(randomIntegers.next() % size));
ArrayList<IntVector2> result = GameLogic.Bresenham4Connected(a, b);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int y = 0; y < size; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
IntVector2 pos = new IntVector2(x, y);
if(pos.equals(a)) {
sb.append("A ");
}else if(pos.equals(b)) {
sb.append("B ");
}else if(result.contains(pos)) {
sb.append("o ");
}else {
sb.append(". ");
// @Provide("gamestate")
// Arbitrary<GameState> gamestate() {
// var states = Arbitraries.integers()
// .tuple2()
// .map(x -> new IntVector2(x.get1(), x.get2()))
// .map(GameState::new);
// }
// @Provide("entityManager")
// Arbitrary<EntityManager> entityManager() {
// var managers = Arbitraries.of(EntityManager.class);
// }
// @Provide("entity")
// Arbitrary<Entity> entity() {
// var entities = Arbitraries.of(Entity.class);
// }
// Characters are kind of hard, but most prequisites are here
// @Provide("character")
// Arbitrary<Character> character() {
// var characters = Combinators.combine(
// anyStat(),
// Arbitraries.integers()
// ).as(x -> new Character());
// }
Arbitrary<Stat> anyStat() {
var stats = Combinators.combine(
return Combinators.combine(stats, Arbitraries.integers().greaterOrEqual(0))
.as((stat, decrease) -> {
stat.decreaseValue(decrease % (stat.getMax() + 1));
return stat;
Arbitrary<EntityID> entityIDs() {
return Combinators.combine(
).as((type, id) -> {
EntityID eid;
switch (type) {
case NPC -> eid = new EntityID(type, id % 3);
case P1, P2, InfinityStones -> eid = new EntityID(type, id % 6);
case Rocks -> eid = new EntityID(type, id);
default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + type);
return eid;
Arbitrary<IntVector2> positions() {
return Arbitraries.integers()
.map(x -> new IntVector2(x.get1(), x.get2()));
Arbitrary<Request> requests() {
return Combinators.combine(
Arbitraries.of(true, false),
.as((which, gameRequest, characterRequest) -> which ? gameRequest : characterRequest);
Arbitrary<GameRequest> gameRequests() {
final var gameRequestTypes = List.of(
return Arbitraries.of(RequestType.class)
.map(x -> new RequestBuilder(x).buildGameRequest());
Arbitrary<CharacterRequest> characterRequests() {
final var characterRequestTypes = List.of(
var positions = Arbitraries.integers()
.map(x -> new IntVector2(x.get1(), x.get2()));
var characterIDs = Combinators.combine(Arbitraries.of(true, false)
.map(x -> x ? EntityType.P1 : EntityType.P2),
.between(0, 5))
var rockIDs = Arbitraries.integers()
.map(x -> new EntityID(EntityType.Rocks, x));
var targetIDs = Combinators.combine(
Arbitraries.of(true, false),
.as((which, characterID, rockID) -> which ? characterID : rockID);
var stoneTypes = Arbitraries.of(StoneType.class);
var values = Arbitraries.integers();
return Combinators.combine(
Arbitraries.of(RequestType.class).filter(characterRequestTypes::contains), // types
).as((type, pos, characterID, targetID, stoneType, val) -> {
return new RequestBuilder(type)