package uulm.teamname.marvelous.server.Lobby; import; import uulm.teamname.marvelous.gamelibrary.requests.Request; public class Lobby { String gameID; // GameState state; // TODO: needs to be changed to GameStateManager public Lobby(String gameID){ //the LobbyManager can create a Lobby with a specific ID. this.gameID = gameID; } public void recieveEvents(Request[] requests){ //Get Messages from the LobbyManager //possible requests: MeleeAttackRequest, RangeAttackRequest, MoveRequest, ExchangeInfinityStoneRequest, UseInfinityStoneRequest. } public void sendEvents(Event[] events){ //Send Messages to the LobbyManager //Events spliced in: //Gamestate Events: Ack, Nack, Req, GamestateEvent, CustomEvent //Entity Events: DestroyEntityEvent, HealedEvent, TakenDamageEvent, SpawnEntityEvent //Character Events: MeleeAttackEvent, RangedAttackEvent, MoveEvent, UseInfinityStoneEvent, ExchangeInfinityStoneEvent //Game Events: TimeoutEvent, TimeoutWarningEvent, WinEvent, RoundSetupEvent, TurnEvent, TurnTimeoutEvent, DisconnectEvent. } public void processEvents(){ //The largest Block to handle all possible Events //To defuse this Method you could use the smaller Methods below. } public void pause(){ } public void unpause(){ } public void handleDisconnects(){ } public void validateRequest(){ } public void applyRequestToGamestate(){ } public void generateEvents(){ } public void saidEvents(){ } public void DisconnectClient(){ } public void checkCheating(){ } public void SendGamestate(){ } public void handleConnects(){ } public void handleSpectators(){ } public void handlePlayers(){ } public void handleLogon(){ } public void handleLogoff(){ } public void closeLobby(){ } }