# Software Engineering Anki Cards Anki cards for the *Software Engineering* lecture of Ulm University. It was created during the 2020/2021 lecture by Thomas Thüm. ## How to use 1. Download Anki [here](https://apps.ankiweb.net/) or via package manager (e.g. `choco install -y anki` for windows using [chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org)) 2. Import the deck into Anki (`File` -> `Import` -> choose `⁙ SE.apkg` -> profit) 3. Optional: Install [Anki Image Occlusion](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1374772155) plugin * In the Anki GUI, navigate to `Anki` -> `Tools` -> `Add-ons` -> `Get Add-ons` -> Enter `1374772155` as code ## How to contribute Found an error? Want to add some cards? Contributions are always welcome. There are *two major ways to contribute*: 1. Open an issue if you found a problem 2. Open a Pull Request if you added or changed some cards. To do that: * Make changes to cards * Export the deck as an `.apkg` file * Push the changed deck to a new branch in the repository (`git checkout -b fancychanges`, `git push -u origin fancychanges`) * Open a Pull Request describing your changes