% EX3 a) function x = value(b, d, v, t) % b: basis % d: mantissa coefficients % v: coefficients of the exponent % t: sign if b < 2 disp('basis needs to be at least 2!') return elseif !(t == -1 || t == 1) disp('t needs to be 1 or -1!') return end exponent = (t * unConvert(v, b)) prefactor = b ^ exponent mantissa = unConvertMantissa(d, b) x = prefactor * mantissa end function val = unConvert(n, b) nums = flip(n) res = 0 for i = 1:length(n) res += nums(i) * b^(i-1) end val = res end function val = unConvertMantissa(m, b) res = 0 for i = 1:length(m) res += m(i) * b^(-i) end val = res end