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# Comparison between C-implemented and R-implemented dual-loop matrix summing function performance

## Running

To run this project, run the following commands:

# matrix test
Rscript mat_tests.R

### Building and running

If you edit the C code, to recompile run:

bash make_c.sh

### View Evaluation

To install packages necessary for this .rmd document, run:

Rscript install_libs.R

## Evaluation 
The experiment shows the performance comparison between the R-implemented and C-implemented matrix summing functions 
for different matrix sizes. As the matrix size increases, the C-implemented function demonstrates significantly 
better performance compared to the R-implemented function.
Surprisingly, the speedup remains fairly constant in relative terms, stabilizing at about 4x

> Note: Evaluation script run on an AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D cpu with enough RAM for all matrix sizes

| Matrix size | sum1 run duration (secs) | sum2 run duration (secs) |
| 5x5         | 7.152557e-06              | 7.867813e-06              |
| 10x10       | 9.775162e-06              | 5.00679e-06               |
| 50x50       | 9.346008e-05              | 8.106232e-06              |
| 100x100     | 0.0003376007              | 1.955032e-05              |
| 500x500     | 0.007472992               | 0.001415014               |
| 1000x1000   | 0.03007007                | 0.005748034               |
| 5000x5000   | 0.6559205                 | 0.1854615                 |
| 10000x10000 | 2.692389                  | 0.6747584                 |
| 20000x20000 | 10.67763                  | 2.615553                  |
| 30000x30000 | 24.33534                  | 5.987761                  |

```{r diagram}

# prepare data
data <- tribble(
  ~Matrix.size, ~R.sum, ~C.sum,
  "5", 7.152557e-06, 7.867813e-06,
  "10", 9.775162e-06, 5.00679e-06,
  "50", 9.346008e-05, 8.106232e-06,
  "100", 0.0003376007, 1.955032e-05,
  "500", 0.007472992, 0.001415014,
  "1000", 0.03007007, 0.005748034,
  "5000", 0.6559205, 0.1854615,
  "10000", 2.692389, 0.6747584,
  "20000", 10.67763, 2.615553,
  "30000", 24.33534, 5.987761

# Convert Matrix.size to factor with desired order
data$Matrix.size <- factor(data$Matrix.size, levels = data$Matrix.size)

# rearrange data
data_long <- data %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(R.sum, C.sum),
               names_to = "Method",
               values_to = "Duration")

# Create the plot
ggplot(data_long, aes(x = Matrix.size, y = Duration, color = Method)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  labs(x = "Matrix Size", y = "Duration (seconds)", color = "Method") +
  ggtitle("Calculation Time per (square) matrix size") +