use std::{ cell::RefCell, cmp::min, str::FromStr, sync::mpsc::channel, thread, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use cstr_core::CString; use display_interface_spi::SPIInterface; use embedded_graphics_core::{draw_target::DrawTarget, prelude::Point}; use embedded_graphics_profiler_display::ProfilerDisplay; use esp_idf_hal::spi::SpiSingleDeviceDriver; use esp_idf_hal::{ delay::{self, Delay}, gpio::*, peripherals::Peripherals, spi::{config::DriverConfig, Dma, SpiConfig, SpiDeviceDriver}, units::FromValueType, // for converting 26MHz to value }; use lvgl::{ font::Font, input_device::{ pointer::{Pointer, PointerInputData}, InputDriver, }, style::{FlexAlign, FlexFlow, Layout, Style}, widgets::{Arc, Btn, Label, Slider, Switch}, Align, AnimationState, Color, Display, DrawBuffer, Event, LvError, NativeObject, Obj, Part, Screen, TextAlign, Widget, }; use mipidsi::{ models::ILI9486Rgb565, options::{ColorInversion, ColorOrder, Orientation, Rotation}, Builder, }; use xpt2046::Xpt2046; fn lerp_fixed(start: u8, end: u8, t: u8, max_t: u8) -> u8 { let (start, end, t, max_t) = (start as u16, end as u16, t as u16, max_t as u16); let t = t.min(max_t); let result = start + ((end - start.min(end)) * t + (max_t / 2)) / max_t; result as u8 } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Lamp { pub name: heapless::String<64>, pub on: bool, pub brightness: u8, } struct AppData { timer_start: Instant, timer_set_duration: Duration, timer_remaining_duration: Duration, timer_running: bool, timer_paused: bool, wattage_level: u8, } impl AppData { fn new() -> Self { Self { timer_start: Instant::now(), timer_set_duration: Duration::from_secs(10), timer_remaining_duration: Duration::from_secs(10), timer_running: false, timer_paused: false, wattage_level: 5, } } fn set_timer_duration(&mut self, duration: Duration) { self.timer_set_duration = duration; } fn add_secs(&mut self, secs: u64) { self.set_timer_duration( self.timer_set_duration .checked_add(Duration::from_secs(secs)) .unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(5999)) .min(Duration::from_secs(5999)), ); } fn sub_secs(&mut self, secs: u64) { self.set_timer_duration( self.timer_set_duration .checked_sub(Duration::from_secs(secs)) .unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(10)) .max(Duration::from_secs(10)), ); } fn start_timer(&mut self) { if !self.timer_paused { self.timer_remaining_duration = self.timer_set_duration; } self.timer_start = Instant::now(); self.timer_running = true; self.timer_paused = false; } fn pause_timer(&mut self) { self.timer_paused = true; self.timer_remaining_duration = self .timer_remaining_duration .checked_sub(self.timer_start.elapsed()) .unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(0)); } fn reset_timer(&mut self) { self.timer_start = Instant::now(); self.timer_paused = false; self.timer_running = false; self.timer_remaining_duration = self.timer_set_duration; } fn remaining(&self) -> Duration { if self.timer_stopped() { self.timer_set_duration } else if self.timer_paused() { self.timer_remaining_duration } else { self.timer_remaining_duration .checked_sub(self.timer_start.elapsed()) .unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(0)) } } fn timer_stopped(&self) -> bool { !self.timer_running } fn timer_paused(&self) -> bool { self.timer_running && self.timer_paused } fn timer_running(&self) -> bool { self.timer_running && !self.timer_paused } fn timer_finished(&self) -> bool { self.timer_running && self.remaining() == Duration::from_secs(0) } fn set_wattage_level(&mut self, level: u8) { assert!(level < 6, "wattage level cannot be over 6"); self.wattage_level = level; } fn get_wattage_level_str(&self) -> &'static str { match self.wattage_level { 0 => "180W", 1 => "220W", 2 => "360W", 3 => "480W", 4 => "620W", 5 => "800W", _ => unreachable!(), } } } fn main() -> Result<(), LvError> { const HOR_RES: u32 = 320; const VER_RES: u32 = 240; const LINES: u32 = 20; // It is necessary to call this function once. Otherwise some patches to the // runtime implemented by esp-idf-sys might not link properly. See esp_idf_svc::sys::link_patches(); // Initialize lvgl lvgl::init(); // Bind the log crate to the ESP Logging facilities esp_idf_svc::log::EspLogger::initialize_default(); log::info!("================= Starting App ======================="); let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap(); // #[allow(unused)] let pins = peripherals.pins; let sclk = pins.gpio14; let miso = pins.gpio12; let mosi = pins.gpio13; let cs = pins.gpio15; let dc = pins.gpio2; let spi = SpiDeviceDriver::new_single( peripherals.spi2, sclk, // sclk mosi, // sdo Some(miso), // sdi Some(cs), // cs &DriverConfig::new().dma(Dma::Channel1(4096)), &SpiConfig::new().write_only(true).baudrate(10.MHz().into()), ) .unwrap(); // let rst = PinDriver::output(pins.gpio33).unwrap(); let dc = PinDriver::output(dc).unwrap(); let di = SPIInterface::new(spi, dc); // Turn backlight on let mut bklt = PinDriver::output(pins.gpio21).unwrap(); bklt.set_high().unwrap(); // Configuration for M5Stack Core Development Kit V1.0 // Puts display in landscape mode with the three buttons at the bottom of screen // let mut m5stack_display = Builder::ili9342c_rgb565(di) // .with_display_size(320, 240) // .with_color_order(ColorOrder::Bgr) // .with_orientation(Orientation::Portrait(false)) // .with_invert_colors(mipidsi::ColorInversion::Inverted) // .init(&mut delay::Ets, Some(rst)) // .unwrap(); // 0.6.0 // let mut raw_display = Builder::ili9342c_rgb565(di) // .with_orientation(Orientation::Portrait(false)) // .with_color_order(ColorOrder::Bgr) // .with_invert_colors(true) // .init(&mut Delay::new_default(), None::>) // .unwrap(); let raw_display = Builder::new(ILI9486Rgb565, di) .orientation(Orientation { rotation: Rotation::Deg90, mirrored: true, }) .color_order(ColorOrder::Bgr) .invert_colors(ColorInversion::Inverted) .init(&mut Delay::new_default()) .unwrap(); let mut raw_display = ProfilerDisplay::new(raw_display); // Stack size value - 20,000 for 10 lines, 40,000 for 20 lines // let (touch_send, touch_recv) = channel(); let touch_irq = pins.gpio36; let touch_mosi = pins.gpio32; let touch_miso = pins.gpio39; let touch_clk = pins.gpio25; let touch_cs = pins.gpio33; let mut touch_driver = Xpt2046::new( SpiDeviceDriver::new_single( peripherals.spi3, touch_clk, touch_mosi, Some(touch_miso), Some(touch_cs), &DriverConfig::new(), &SpiConfig::new().write_only(true).baudrate(2.MHz().into()), ) .unwrap(), PinDriver::input(touch_irq).unwrap(), xpt2046::Orientation::LandscapeFlipped, ); touch_driver.set_num_samples(1); touch_driver.init(&mut Delay::new_default()).unwrap(); let touch_driver = RefCell::new(touch_driver); let _lvgl_thread = thread::Builder::new() .stack_size(40_000) .spawn(move || { println!("thread started"); let mut appdata = AppData::new(); let buffer = DrawBuffer::<{ (HOR_RES * LINES) as usize }>::default(); let display = Display::register(buffer, HOR_RES, VER_RES, |refresh| { raw_display.draw_iter(refresh.as_pixels()).unwrap(); }) .unwrap(); // Register a new input device that's capable of reading the current state of // the input // let mut last_touch = RefCell::new(None); let _touch_screen = Pointer::register( || { let mut td_ref = touch_driver.borrow_mut();"Running Touch driver failed"); if td_ref.is_touched() { let point = td_ref.get_touch_point(); // println!("touched {:?}", point); PointerInputData::Touch(Point::new(point.x + 20, 240 - point.y)).pressed().once() } else { // println!("untouched"); PointerInputData::Touch(Point::new(0, 0)).released().once() } }, &display, ); // Create screen and widgets let mut screen = display.get_scr_act().unwrap(); let mut screen_style = Style::default(); screen_style.set_bg_color(Color::from_rgb((0, 0, 0))); screen_style.set_radius(0); // screen_style.set_layout(Layout::flex()); // screen_style.set_flex_flow(FlexFlow::ROW_WRAP); // screen_style.set_flex_main_place(FlexAlign::CENTER); // screen_style.set_flex_cross_place(FlexAlign::CENTER); screen.add_style(Part::Main, &mut screen_style); let mut wattage_label = Label::create(&mut screen).unwrap(); wattage_label.set_align(Align::Center, -70, 0); let mut wattage_style = Style::default(); wattage_style.set_text_color(Color::from_rgb((255, 255, 255))); unsafe { wattage_style.set_text_font(Font::new_raw(lvgl_sys::lv_font_montserrat_32)) }; wattage_label.add_style(Part::Main, &mut wattage_style); wattage_label.set_text(CString::new(appdata.get_wattage_level_str()).unwrap().as_c_str()); let mut power_arc = Arc::create(&mut screen).unwrap(); power_arc.set_size(150, 150); power_arc.set_align(Align::Center, -70, 0); power_arc.set_angles(135, 45); // Creates a 270-degree arc power_arc.set_rotation(0); power_arc.set_bg_angles(135, 45); unsafe { lvgl_sys::lv_arc_set_range(power_arc.raw().as_mut(), 0, 5); } power_arc.on_event(|arc, event| { if let Event::ValueChanged = event { let mut value = unsafe { lvgl_sys::lv_arc_get_value(arc.raw().as_mut()) }; appdata.set_wattage_level((value as u8).min(6)); wattage_label.set_text(CString::new(appdata.get_wattage_level_str()).unwrap().as_c_str()); } }); // Add timer display on the right let mut time_label = Label::new().unwrap(); time_label.set_text(CString::new("00:10:000").unwrap().as_c_str()); let mut style_time = Style::default(); style_time.set_text_color(Color::from_rgb((255, 255, 255))); style_time.set_text_align(TextAlign::Center); unsafe { style_time.set_text_font(Font::new_raw(lvgl_sys::lv_font_montserrat_24)) }; time_label.add_style(Part::Main, &mut style_time); time_label.set_align(Align::Center, 80, 0); // Add + and - buttons at bottom let mut button_add = Btn::create(&mut screen).unwrap(); button_add.set_align(Align::Center, 10, 70); button_add.set_size(30, 30); let mut btn_lbl1 = Label::create(&mut button_add).unwrap(); btn_lbl1.set_text(CString::new(b"+").unwrap().as_c_str()); let mut button_sub = Btn::create(&mut screen).unwrap(); button_sub.set_size(30, 30); button_sub.set_align(Align::Center, 130, 70); let mut btn_lbl2 = Label::create(&mut button_sub).unwrap(); btn_lbl2.set_text(CString::new(b"-").unwrap().as_c_str()); // Add timer control logic from button_add.on_event(|_btn, event| { if let Event::Pressed = event { if appdata.timer_stopped() { appdata.add_secs(10); } } }); button_sub.on_event(|_btn, event| { if let Event::Pressed = event { if appdata.timer_stopped() { appdata.sub_secs(10); } } }); // Add reset button let mut button_reset = Btn::create(&mut screen).unwrap(); button_reset.set_align(Align::Center, 50, 70); button_reset.set_size(35, 35); let mut btn_lbl3 = Label::create(&mut button_reset).unwrap(); btn_lbl3.set_text(CString::new(b"\xEF\x80\xA1").unwrap().as_c_str()); // Add start/stop/pause button const PLAY: &'static [u8; 3] = b"\xEF\x81\x8B"; const PAUSE: &'static [u8; 3] = b"\xEF\x81\x8C"; const STOP: &'static [u8; 3] = b"\xEF\x81\x8D"; let mut button_start_stop = Btn::create(&mut screen).unwrap(); button_start_stop.set_align(Align::Center, 90, 70); button_start_stop.set_size(35, 35); let mut btn_lbl4 = Label::create(&mut button_start_stop).unwrap(); btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(PLAY).unwrap().as_c_str()); // Add event handlers button_reset.on_event(|_btn, event| { if let Event::Pressed = event { appdata.reset_timer(); btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(PLAY).unwrap().as_c_str()); unsafe { lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(button_add.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(button_sub.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(power_arc.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); } } }); button_start_stop.on_event(|_btn, event| { if let Event::Pressed = event { if appdata.timer_finished() { appdata.reset_timer(); btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(PLAY).unwrap().as_c_str()); // Enable all buttons unsafe { lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(button_add.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(button_sub.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(power_arc.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); } } else if appdata.timer_running() { appdata.pause_timer(); btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(PLAY).unwrap().as_c_str()); // Enable all buttons unsafe { lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(button_add.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(button_sub.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_clear_state(power_arc.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); } } else { appdata.start_timer(); if appdata.timer_finished() { btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(STOP).unwrap().as_c_str()); } else { btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(PAUSE).unwrap().as_c_str()); // Disable buttons while running unsafe { lvgl_sys::lv_obj_add_state(button_add.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_add_state(button_sub.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); lvgl_sys::lv_obj_add_state(power_arc.raw().as_mut(), lvgl_sys::LV_STATE_DISABLED as u16); } } } } }); let mut was_finished = false; let mut last_rem_time: Duration = appdata.remaining() + Duration::from_millis(10); let mut last_time = Instant::now(); loop { let start_time = Instant::now(); let dur = appdata.remaining(); if last_rem_time != dur { let val = CString::new(format!("{:02}:{:02}:{:03}", dur.as_secs() / 60, dur.as_secs() % 60, dur.as_millis() % 1000)).unwrap(); time_label.set_text(&val).unwrap(); last_rem_time = dur; } if !was_finished && appdata.timer_finished() { btn_lbl4.set_text(CString::new(STOP).unwrap().as_c_str()); } was_finished = appdata.timer_finished(); let start_draw_time = Instant::now(); lvgl::task_handler(); let now_time = Instant::now(); lvgl::tick_inc(now_time.duration_since(last_time)); last_time = now_time; let end_time = Instant::now(); let draw_time = raw_display.get_time(); let prep_time = start_draw_time - start_time; let proc_time = end_time - start_draw_time; let proc_time = proc_time - min(draw_time, proc_time); if draw_time.as_micros() > 0 { println!( "draw time: {}.{:03}ms | prep time: {}.{:03}ms | proc time: {}.{:03}ms | total time: {}.{:03}ms", draw_time.as_millis(), draw_time.as_micros() % 100, prep_time.as_millis(), prep_time.as_micros() % 100, proc_time.as_millis(), proc_time.as_micros() % 100, (draw_time + prep_time + proc_time).as_millis(), (draw_time + prep_time + proc_time).as_micros() % 100, ); } raw_display.reset_time(); delay::FreeRtos::delay_ms(2); } }) .unwrap(); loop { // Don't exit application delay::FreeRtos::delay_ms(1_000_000); } }