
315 lines
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2021-01-20 16:44:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "hardware/regs/m0plus.h"
#include "hardware/platform_defs.h"
#include "hardware/regs/addressmap.h"
#include "hardware/regs/sio.h"
#include "pico/binary_info/defs.h"
#ifdef NDEBUG
.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m0plus
.section .vectors, "ax"
.align 2
.global __vectors
.word __StackTop
.word _reset_handler
.word isr_nmi
.word isr_hardfault
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_svcall
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_invalid // Reserved, should never fire
.word isr_pendsv
.word isr_systick
.word isr_irq0
.word isr_irq1
.word isr_irq2
.word isr_irq3
.word isr_irq4
.word isr_irq5
.word isr_irq6
.word isr_irq7
.word isr_irq8
.word isr_irq9
.word isr_irq10
.word isr_irq11
.word isr_irq12
.word isr_irq13
.word isr_irq14
.word isr_irq15
.word isr_irq16
.word isr_irq17
.word isr_irq18
.word isr_irq19
.word isr_irq20
.word isr_irq21
.word isr_irq22
.word isr_irq23
.word isr_irq24
.word isr_irq25
.word isr_irq26
.word isr_irq27
.word isr_irq28
.word isr_irq29
.word isr_irq30
.word isr_irq31
// Declare a weak symbol for each ISR.
// By default, they will fall through to the undefined IRQ handler below (breakpoint),
// but can be overridden by C functions with correct name.
.macro decl_isr_bkpt name
.weak \name
.type \name,%function
bkpt #0
// these are separated out for clarity
decl_isr_bkpt isr_invalid
decl_isr_bkpt isr_nmi
decl_isr_bkpt isr_hardfault
decl_isr_bkpt isr_svcall
decl_isr_bkpt isr_pendsv
decl_isr_bkpt isr_systick
.macro decl_isr name
.weak \name
.type \name,%function
decl_isr isr_irq0
decl_isr isr_irq1
decl_isr isr_irq2
decl_isr isr_irq3
decl_isr isr_irq4
decl_isr isr_irq5
decl_isr isr_irq6
decl_isr isr_irq7
decl_isr isr_irq8
decl_isr isr_irq9
decl_isr isr_irq10
decl_isr isr_irq11
decl_isr isr_irq12
decl_isr isr_irq13
decl_isr isr_irq14
decl_isr isr_irq15
decl_isr isr_irq16
decl_isr isr_irq17
decl_isr isr_irq18
decl_isr isr_irq19
decl_isr isr_irq20
decl_isr isr_irq21
decl_isr isr_irq22
decl_isr isr_irq23
decl_isr isr_irq24
decl_isr isr_irq25
decl_isr isr_irq26
decl_isr isr_irq27
decl_isr isr_irq28
decl_isr isr_irq29
decl_isr isr_irq30
decl_isr isr_irq31
// All unhandled USER IRQs fall through to here
.global __unhandled_user_irq
bl __get_current_exception
subs r0, #16
.global unhandled_user_irq_num_in_r0
bkpt #0
.section .reset, "ax"
// This is the beginning of the image, which is entered from stage2 or bootrom USB MSD watchdog reboot
// note if we are NO_FLASH then start: below is currently identical anyway, so save 4 bytes
// We simply install our own vector table and redirect through it
ldr r0, =__vectors
b __vector_entry
// ELF entry point generally called when we load an ELF via debugger
.type _entry_point,%function
.global _entry_point
// non flash
ldr r0, =__vectors
// todo clear watchdog?
// When using flash, we install and use the ROM vector table to go thru regular bootrom/stage2 flash sequence
movs r0, #0
str r0, [r1, #8]
ldmia r0!, {r1, r2}
msr msp, r1
bx r2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reset handler:
// - initialises .data
// - clears .bss
// - calls runtime_init
// - calls main
// - calls exit (which should eventually hang the processor via _exit)
.type _reset_handler,%function
// Hang all cores except core 0
ldr r0, [r0]
cmp r0, #0
bne wait_for_vector
adr r4, data_cpy_table
// assume there is at least one entry
ldmia r4!, {r1-r3}
cmp r1, #0
beq 2f
bl data_cpy
b 1b
// Zero out the BSS
ldr r1, =__bss_start__
ldr r2, =__bss_end__
movs r0, #0
b bss_fill_test
stm r1!, {r0}
cmp r1, r2
bne bss_fill_loop
platform_entry: // symbol for stack traces
// Use 32-bit jumps, in case these symbols are moved out of branch range
// (e.g. if main is in SRAM and crt0 in flash)
ldr r1, =runtime_init
blx r1
ldr r1, =main
blx r1
ldr r1, =exit
blx r1
// exit should not return. If it does, hang the core.
// (fall thru into our hang _exit impl
.weak _exit
.type _exit,%function
1: // separate label because _exit can be moved out of branch range
bkpt #0
b 1b
ldm r1!, {r0}
stm r2!, {r0}
cmp r2, r3
blo data_cpy_loop
bx lr
.word __binary_info_start
.word __binary_info_end
.word data_cpy_table // we may need to decode pointers that are in RAM at runtime.
.align 2
.word __ram_text_source__
.word __ram_text_start__
.word __ram_text_end__
.word __etext
.word __data_start__
.word __data_end__
.word __scratch_x_source__
.word __scratch_x_start__
.word __scratch_x_end__
.word __scratch_y_source__
.word __scratch_y_start__
.word __scratch_y_end__
.word 0 // null terminator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Provide safe defaults for _exit and runtime_init
// Full implementations usually provided by platform.c
.weak runtime_init
.type runtime_init,%function
bx lr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In case core 1's VTOR has already been moved into flash, we need to handle
// core 1 reset. However, we do so by just jumping back into bootrom version of
// wait_for_vector
ldr r0, = 'W' | ('V' << 8)
bl rom_func_lookup
bx r0
.global __get_current_exception
mrs r0, ipsr
uxtb r0, r0
bx lr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stack/heap dummies to set size
.section .stack
// align to allow for memory protection (although this alignment is pretty much ignored by linker script)
.align 5
.equ StackSize, PICO_STACK_SIZE
.space StackSize
.section .heap
.align 2
.equ HeapSize, PICO_HEAP_SIZE
.space HeapSize