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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import subprocess
import re
toolchain_dir = "/opt/arm"
toolchains = os.listdir(toolchain_dir)
gcc_versions = OrderedDict()
for toolchain in toolchains:
fullpath = os.path.join(toolchain_dir, toolchain)
gcc_path = os.path.join(fullpath, "bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc")
version = subprocess.run([gcc_path, "--version"], capture_output=True)
stdout = version.stdout.decode('utf-8')
stderr = version.stderr.decode('utf-8')
assert(len(stderr) == 0)
# Version should be on first line
version_line = stdout.split("\n")[0]
m = re.search("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", version_line)
assert(m is not None)
version = m.group(1)
if version in gcc_versions:
raise Exception("Already have version {} in versions current path {}, this path {}".format(version, gcc_versions[version], fullpath))
gcc_versions[version] = fullpath
# Sort by major version
gcc_versions_sorted = OrderedDict(sorted(gcc_versions.items(), key=lambda item: int(item[0].replace(".", ""))))
# Create output
output = '''
name: Multi GCC
on: [workflow_dispatch, push, pull_request]
if: github.repository_owner == 'raspberrypi'
runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, X64]
- name: Clean workspace
run: |
echo "Cleaning up previous run"
rm -rf "${{ github.workspace }}"
mkdir -p "${{ github.workspace }}"
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Checkout submodules
run: git submodule update --init
- name: Get core count
id: core_count
run : cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l
for gcc_version, toolchain_path in gcc_versions_sorted.items():
for build_type in ["Debug", "Release"]:
output += "\n"
output += " - name: GCC {} {}\n".format(gcc_version, build_type)
output += " if: always()\n"
output += " shell: bash\n"
output += " run: cd ${{{{github.workspace}}}}; mkdir -p build; rm -rf build/*; cd build; cmake ../ -DPICO_SDK_TESTS_ENABLED=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={} -DPICO_TOOLCHAIN_PATH={} -DPICO_BOARD=pico_w; make -j ${{{{steps.core_count.outputs.output}}}}\n".format(build_type, toolchain_path)