cmake_policy(SET CMP0079 NEW) # allow inserting of dependencies into our INTERFACE libraries set(PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE "" CACHE INTERNAL "") set(PICO_DOXYGEN_PATHS "" CACHE INTERNAL "") # generated each time if (NOT PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE) set(PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${PICO_PLATFORM}.cmake CACHE INTERNAL "") endif () if (NOT EXISTS "${PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE}") message(FATAL_ERROR "${PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE} does not exist. \ Either specify a valid PICO_PLATFORM (or PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE).") endif () # Initialize board related build/compile settings include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/board_setup.cmake) # call add_subdirectory(subdir) unless SKIP_SUBDIR evaluates to true function(pico_add_subdirectory subdir) # todo add option to disable skip flag string(TOUPPER ${subdir} subdir_upper) set(replace_flag SKIP_${subdir_upper}) if (NOT ${replace_flag}) add_subdirectory(${subdir}) else () message("Not including ${subdir} because ${replace_flag} defined.") endif () pico_promote_common_scope_vars() endfunction() # add a link option to wrap the given function name; i.e. -Wl:wrap=FUNCNAME for gcc function(pico_wrap_function TARGET FUNCNAME) target_link_options(${TARGET} INTERFACE "LINKER:--wrap=${FUNCNAME}") endfunction() # add map file generation for the given target function(pico_add_map_output TARGET) get_target_property(target_type ${TARGET} TYPE) if ("EXECUTABLE" STREQUAL "${target_type}") target_link_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE "LINKER:-Map=$${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}.map") else () target_link_options(${TARGET} INTERFACE "LINKER:-Map=$${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}.map") endif () endfunction() # create a hardware_NAME_headers target (see pico_pico_simple_hardware_headers_target) # create a hardware_NAME target (see pico_pico_simple_hardware_target) macro(pico_simple_hardware_target NAME) pico_simple_hardware_headers_target(${NAME}) pico_simple_hardware_impl_target(${NAME}) endmacro() # create an INTERFACE library named target, and define LIB_TARGET=1 (upper case) as a compile option function(pico_add_impl_library target) add_library(${target} INTERFACE) string(TOUPPER ${target} TARGET_UPPER) target_compile_definitions(${target} INTERFACE LIB_${TARGET_UPPER}=1) endfunction() # create an INTERFACE library named hardware_NAME_headers INTERFACE library if it doesn't already exist, # and add include/ relative to the calling directory to the includes. # and hardware_structs and hardware_claim as dependencies of the library macro(pico_simple_hardware_headers_target NAME) if (NOT TARGET hardware_${NAME}_headers) add_library(hardware_${NAME}_headers INTERFACE) target_include_directories(hardware_${NAME}_headers INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/include) target_link_libraries(hardware_${NAME}_headers INTERFACE pico_base_headers) if (NOT PICO_NO_HARDWARE) target_link_libraries(hardware_${NAME}_headers INTERFACE hardware_structs hardware_claim) endif() endif() endmacro() # create an INTERFACE library named hardware_NAME if it doesn't exist, along with a hardware_NAME_headers # INTERFACE library that it depends on. The hardware_NAME_headers library add include/ relative to # and pico_base_headers, and harddware_structs as a dependency of the library macro(pico_simple_hardware_headers_only_target NAME) if (NOT TARGET hardware_${NAME}) # Choosing not to add LIB_HARDWARE_ defines to avoid command line bloat pending a need (they aren't # super interesting except to determine functionality as they are mostly passive accessors, however # they could be useful to determine if the header is available. # pico_add_sdk_impl_library(hardware_${NAME}) add_library(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE) target_include_directories(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/include) target_link_libraries(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE pico_base_headers) if (NOT PICO_NO_HARDWARE) target_link_libraries(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE hardware_structs) endif() endif() endmacro() # create an INTERFACE library named hardware_NAME if it doesn't exist, dependent on a pre-existing hardware_NAME_headers # INTERFACE library and pico_platform. The file NAME.c relative to the caller is added to the C sources for the hardware_NAME macro(pico_simple_hardware_impl_target NAME) if (NOT TARGET hardware_${NAME}) # Choosing not to add LIB_HARDWARE_ defines to avoid command line bloat pending a need (they aren't # super interesting except to determine functionality as they are mostly passive accessors, however # they could be useful to determine if the header is available. # pico_add_sdk_impl_library(hardware_${NAME}) add_library(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE) target_sources(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${NAME}.c ) target_link_libraries(hardware_${NAME} INTERFACE hardware_${NAME}_headers pico_platform) endif() endmacro() function(pico_add_doxygen SOURCE_DIR) set(PICO_DOXYGEN_PATHS "${PICO_DOXYGEN_PATHS} ${SOURCE_DIR}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endfunction() function(pico_add_doxygen_exclude SOURCE_DIR) set(PICO_DOXYGEN_EXCLUDE_PATHS "${PICO_DOXYGEN_EXCLUDE_PATHS} ${SOURCE_DIR}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endfunction() include(${PICO_PLATFORM_CMAKE_FILE}) pico_promote_common_scope_vars()