// A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.7.2. // Skeleton implementation for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++ // Copyright (C) 2002-2015, 2018-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains // part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work // under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a // parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof // as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute // the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this // special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting // Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public // License without this special exception. // This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in // version 2.2 of Bison. // DO NOT RELY ON FEATURES THAT ARE NOT DOCUMENTED in the manual, // especially those whose name start with YY_ or yy_. They are // private implementation details that can be changed or removed. #include "parser.hpp" // Unqualified %code blocks. #include "pio_assembler.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // possible loss of data (valid warning, but there is a software check / missing cast) #endif #ifndef YY_ # if defined YYENABLE_NLS && YYENABLE_NLS # if ENABLE_NLS # include // FIXME: INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE. # define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid) # endif # endif # ifndef YY_ # define YY_(msgid) msgid # endif #endif // Whether we are compiled with exception support. #ifndef YY_EXCEPTIONS # if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __EXCEPTIONS # define YY_EXCEPTIONS 0 # else # define YY_EXCEPTIONS 1 # endif #endif #define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K].location) /* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N]. If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined). */ # ifndef YYLLOC_DEFAULT # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ do \ if (N) \ { \ (Current).begin = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).begin; \ (Current).end = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).end; \ } \ else \ { \ (Current).begin = (Current).end = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).end; \ } \ while (false) # endif // Enable debugging if requested. #if YYDEBUG // A pseudo ostream that takes yydebug_ into account. # define YYCDEBUG if (yydebug_) (*yycdebug_) # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Symbol) \ do { \ if (yydebug_) \ { \ *yycdebug_ << Title << ' '; \ yy_print_ (*yycdebug_, Symbol); \ *yycdebug_ << '\n'; \ } \ } while (false) # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) \ do { \ if (yydebug_) \ yy_reduce_print_ (Rule); \ } while (false) # define YY_STACK_PRINT() \ do { \ if (yydebug_) \ yy_stack_print_ (); \ } while (false) #else // !YYDEBUG # define YYCDEBUG if (false) std::cerr # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Symbol) YYUSE (Symbol) # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) static_cast (0) # define YY_STACK_PRINT() static_cast (0) #endif // !YYDEBUG #define yyerrok (yyerrstatus_ = 0) #define yyclearin (yyla.clear ()) #define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab #define YYABORT goto yyabortlab #define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab #define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus_) namespace yy { /// Build a parser object. parser::parser (pio_assembler& pioasm_yyarg) #if YYDEBUG : yydebug_ (false), yycdebug_ (&std::cerr), #else : #endif yy_lac_established_ (false), pioasm (pioasm_yyarg) {} parser::~parser () {} parser::syntax_error::~syntax_error () YY_NOEXCEPT YY_NOTHROW {} /*---------------. | symbol kinds. | `---------------*/ // by_state. parser::by_state::by_state () YY_NOEXCEPT : state (empty_state) {} parser::by_state::by_state (const by_state& that) YY_NOEXCEPT : state (that.state) {} void parser::by_state::clear () YY_NOEXCEPT { state = empty_state; } void parser::by_state::move (by_state& that) { state = that.state; that.clear (); } parser::by_state::by_state (state_type s) YY_NOEXCEPT : state (s) {} parser::symbol_kind_type parser::by_state::kind () const YY_NOEXCEPT { if (state == empty_state) return symbol_kind::S_YYEMPTY; else return YY_CAST (symbol_kind_type, yystos_[+state]); } parser::stack_symbol_type::stack_symbol_type () {} parser::stack_symbol_type::stack_symbol_type (YY_RVREF (stack_symbol_type) that) : super_type (YY_MOVE (that.state), YY_MOVE (that.location)) { switch (that.kind ()) { case symbol_kind::S_if_full: // if_full case symbol_kind::S_if_empty: // if_empty case symbol_kind::S_blocking: // blocking value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< bool > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_condition: // condition value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< enum condition > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_in_source: // in_source case symbol_kind::S_out_target: // out_target case symbol_kind::S_set_target: // set_target value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< enum in_out_set > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_irq_modifiers: // irq_modifiers value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< enum irq > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_target: // mov_target case symbol_kind::S_mov_source: // mov_source value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< enum mov > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_op: // mov_op value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< enum mov_op > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_INT: // "integer" value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< int > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_instruction: // instruction case symbol_kind::S_base_instruction: // base_instruction value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_value: // value case symbol_kind::S_expression: // expression case symbol_kind::S_delay: // delay case symbol_kind::S_sideset: // sideset value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_label_decl: // label_decl case symbol_kind::S_symbol_def: // symbol_def value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_wait_source: // wait_source value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_ID: // "identifier" case symbol_kind::S_STRING: // "string" case symbol_kind::S_NON_WS: // "text" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_START: // "code block" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS: // "%}" case symbol_kind::S_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE: // UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE value.YY_MOVE_OR_COPY< std::string > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; default: break; } #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS // that is emptied. that.state = empty_state; #endif } parser::stack_symbol_type::stack_symbol_type (state_type s, YY_MOVE_REF (symbol_type) that) : super_type (s, YY_MOVE (that.location)) { switch (that.kind ()) { case symbol_kind::S_if_full: // if_full case symbol_kind::S_if_empty: // if_empty case symbol_kind::S_blocking: // blocking value.move< bool > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_condition: // condition value.move< enum condition > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_in_source: // in_source case symbol_kind::S_out_target: // out_target case symbol_kind::S_set_target: // set_target value.move< enum in_out_set > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_irq_modifiers: // irq_modifiers value.move< enum irq > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_target: // mov_target case symbol_kind::S_mov_source: // mov_source value.move< enum mov > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_op: // mov_op value.move< enum mov_op > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_INT: // "integer" value.move< int > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_instruction: // instruction case symbol_kind::S_base_instruction: // base_instruction value.move< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_value: // value case symbol_kind::S_expression: // expression case symbol_kind::S_delay: // delay case symbol_kind::S_sideset: // sideset value.move< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_label_decl: // label_decl case symbol_kind::S_symbol_def: // symbol_def value.move< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_wait_source: // wait_source value.move< std::shared_ptr > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; case symbol_kind::S_ID: // "identifier" case symbol_kind::S_STRING: // "string" case symbol_kind::S_NON_WS: // "text" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_START: // "code block" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS: // "%}" case symbol_kind::S_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE: // UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE value.move< std::string > (YY_MOVE (that.value)); break; default: break; } // that is emptied. that.kind_ = symbol_kind::S_YYEMPTY; } #if YY_CPLUSPLUS < 201103L parser::stack_symbol_type& parser::stack_symbol_type::operator= (const stack_symbol_type& that) { state = that.state; switch (that.kind ()) { case symbol_kind::S_if_full: // if_full case symbol_kind::S_if_empty: // if_empty case symbol_kind::S_blocking: // blocking value.copy< bool > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_condition: // condition value.copy< enum condition > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_in_source: // in_source case symbol_kind::S_out_target: // out_target case symbol_kind::S_set_target: // set_target value.copy< enum in_out_set > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_irq_modifiers: // irq_modifiers value.copy< enum irq > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_target: // mov_target case symbol_kind::S_mov_source: // mov_source value.copy< enum mov > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_op: // mov_op value.copy< enum mov_op > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_INT: // "integer" value.copy< int > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_instruction: // instruction case symbol_kind::S_base_instruction: // base_instruction value.copy< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_value: // value case symbol_kind::S_expression: // expression case symbol_kind::S_delay: // delay case symbol_kind::S_sideset: // sideset value.copy< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_label_decl: // label_decl case symbol_kind::S_symbol_def: // symbol_def value.copy< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_wait_source: // wait_source value.copy< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_ID: // "identifier" case symbol_kind::S_STRING: // "string" case symbol_kind::S_NON_WS: // "text" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_START: // "code block" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS: // "%}" case symbol_kind::S_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE: // UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE value.copy< std::string > (that.value); break; default: break; } location = that.location; return *this; } parser::stack_symbol_type& parser::stack_symbol_type::operator= (stack_symbol_type& that) { state = that.state; switch (that.kind ()) { case symbol_kind::S_if_full: // if_full case symbol_kind::S_if_empty: // if_empty case symbol_kind::S_blocking: // blocking value.move< bool > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_condition: // condition value.move< enum condition > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_in_source: // in_source case symbol_kind::S_out_target: // out_target case symbol_kind::S_set_target: // set_target value.move< enum in_out_set > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_irq_modifiers: // irq_modifiers value.move< enum irq > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_target: // mov_target case symbol_kind::S_mov_source: // mov_source value.move< enum mov > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_op: // mov_op value.move< enum mov_op > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_INT: // "integer" value.move< int > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_instruction: // instruction case symbol_kind::S_base_instruction: // base_instruction value.move< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_value: // value case symbol_kind::S_expression: // expression case symbol_kind::S_delay: // delay case symbol_kind::S_sideset: // sideset value.move< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_label_decl: // label_decl case symbol_kind::S_symbol_def: // symbol_def value.move< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_wait_source: // wait_source value.move< std::shared_ptr > (that.value); break; case symbol_kind::S_ID: // "identifier" case symbol_kind::S_STRING: // "string" case symbol_kind::S_NON_WS: // "text" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_START: // "code block" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS: // "%}" case symbol_kind::S_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE: // UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE value.move< std::string > (that.value); break; default: break; } location = that.location; // that is emptied. that.state = empty_state; return *this; } #endif template void parser::yy_destroy_ (const char* yymsg, basic_symbol& yysym) const { if (yymsg) YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yysym); } #if YYDEBUG template void parser::yy_print_ (std::ostream& yyo, const basic_symbol& yysym) const { std::ostream& yyoutput = yyo; YYUSE (yyoutput); if (yysym.empty ()) yyo << "empty symbol"; else { symbol_kind_type yykind = yysym.kind (); yyo << (yykind < YYNTOKENS ? "token" : "nterm") << ' ' << yysym.name () << " (" << yysym.location << ": "; switch (yykind) { case symbol_kind::S_ID: // "identifier" { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_STRING: // "string" { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_NON_WS: // "text" { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_START: // "code block" { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS: // "%}" { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE: // UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_INT: // "integer" { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_label_decl: // label_decl { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_value: // value { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_expression: // expression { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_instruction: // instruction { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_base_instruction: // base_instruction { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_delay: // delay { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_sideset: // sideset { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_condition: // condition { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_wait_source: // wait_source { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_in_source: // in_source { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_out_target: // out_target { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_target: // mov_target { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_source: // mov_source { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_op: // mov_op { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_set_target: // set_target { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_if_full: // if_full { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_if_empty: // if_empty { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_blocking: // blocking { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_irq_modifiers: // irq_modifiers { yyo << "..."; } break; case symbol_kind::S_symbol_def: // symbol_def { yyo << "..."; } break; default: break; } yyo << ')'; } } #endif void parser::yypush_ (const char* m, YY_MOVE_REF (stack_symbol_type) sym) { if (m) YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (m, sym); yystack_.push (YY_MOVE (sym)); } void parser::yypush_ (const char* m, state_type s, YY_MOVE_REF (symbol_type) sym) { #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS yypush_ (m, stack_symbol_type (s, std::move (sym))); #else stack_symbol_type ss (s, sym); yypush_ (m, ss); #endif } void parser::yypop_ (int n) { yystack_.pop (n); } #if YYDEBUG std::ostream& parser::debug_stream () const { return *yycdebug_; } void parser::set_debug_stream (std::ostream& o) { yycdebug_ = &o; } parser::debug_level_type parser::debug_level () const { return yydebug_; } void parser::set_debug_level (debug_level_type l) { yydebug_ = l; } #endif // YYDEBUG parser::state_type parser::yy_lr_goto_state_ (state_type yystate, int yysym) { int yyr = yypgoto_[yysym - YYNTOKENS] + yystate; if (0 <= yyr && yyr <= yylast_ && yycheck_[yyr] == yystate) return yytable_[yyr]; else return yydefgoto_[yysym - YYNTOKENS]; } bool parser::yy_pact_value_is_default_ (int yyvalue) { return yyvalue == yypact_ninf_; } bool parser::yy_table_value_is_error_ (int yyvalue) { return yyvalue == yytable_ninf_; } int parser::operator() () { return parse (); } int parser::parse () { int yyn; /// Length of the RHS of the rule being reduced. int yylen = 0; // Error handling. int yynerrs_ = 0; int yyerrstatus_ = 0; /// The lookahead symbol. symbol_type yyla; /// The locations where the error started and ended. stack_symbol_type yyerror_range[3]; /// The return value of parse (). int yyresult; /// Discard the LAC context in case there still is one left from a /// previous invocation. yy_lac_discard_ ("init"); #if YY_EXCEPTIONS try #endif // YY_EXCEPTIONS { YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse\n"; /* Initialize the stack. The initial state will be set in yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the location values to have been already stored, initialize these stacks with a primary value. */ yystack_.clear (); yypush_ (YY_NULLPTR, 0, YY_MOVE (yyla)); /*-----------------------------------------------. | yynewstate -- push a new symbol on the stack. | `-----------------------------------------------*/ yynewstate: YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << int (yystack_[0].state) << '\n'; YY_STACK_PRINT (); // Accept? if (yystack_[0].state == yyfinal_) YYACCEPT; goto yybackup; /*-----------. | yybackup. | `-----------*/ yybackup: // Try to take a decision without lookahead. yyn = yypact_[+yystack_[0].state]; if (yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn)) goto yydefault; // Read a lookahead token. if (yyla.empty ()) { YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token\n"; #if YY_EXCEPTIONS try #endif // YY_EXCEPTIONS { symbol_type yylookahead (yylex (pioasm)); yyla.move (yylookahead); } #if YY_EXCEPTIONS catch (const syntax_error& yyexc) { YYCDEBUG << "Caught exception: " << yyexc.what() << '\n'; error (yyexc); goto yyerrlab1; } #endif // YY_EXCEPTIONS } YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yyla); if (yyla.kind () == symbol_kind::S_YYerror) { // The scanner already issued an error message, process directly // to error recovery. But do not keep the error token as // lookahead, it is too special and may lead us to an endless // loop in error recovery. */ yyla.kind_ = symbol_kind::S_YYUNDEF; goto yyerrlab1; } /* If the proper action on seeing token YYLA.TYPE is to reduce or to detect an error, take that action. */ yyn += yyla.kind (); if (yyn < 0 || yylast_ < yyn || yycheck_[yyn] != yyla.kind ()) { if (!yy_lac_establish_ (yyla.kind ())) goto yyerrlab; goto yydefault; } // Reduce or error. yyn = yytable_[yyn]; if (yyn <= 0) { if (yy_table_value_is_error_ (yyn)) goto yyerrlab; if (!yy_lac_establish_ (yyla.kind ())) goto yyerrlab; yyn = -yyn; goto yyreduce; } // Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status. if (yyerrstatus_) --yyerrstatus_; // Shift the lookahead token. yypush_ ("Shifting", state_type (yyn), YY_MOVE (yyla)); yy_lac_discard_ ("shift"); goto yynewstate; /*-----------------------------------------------------------. | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. | `-----------------------------------------------------------*/ yydefault: yyn = yydefact_[+yystack_[0].state]; if (yyn == 0) goto yyerrlab; goto yyreduce; /*-----------------------------. | yyreduce -- do a reduction. | `-----------------------------*/ yyreduce: yylen = yyr2_[yyn]; { stack_symbol_type yylhs; yylhs.state = yy_lr_goto_state_ (yystack_[yylen].state, yyr1_[yyn]); /* Variants are always initialized to an empty instance of the correct type. The default '$$ = $1' action is NOT applied when using variants. */ switch (yyr1_[yyn]) { case symbol_kind::S_if_full: // if_full case symbol_kind::S_if_empty: // if_empty case symbol_kind::S_blocking: // blocking yylhs.value.emplace< bool > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_condition: // condition yylhs.value.emplace< enum condition > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_in_source: // in_source case symbol_kind::S_out_target: // out_target case symbol_kind::S_set_target: // set_target yylhs.value.emplace< enum in_out_set > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_irq_modifiers: // irq_modifiers yylhs.value.emplace< enum irq > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_target: // mov_target case symbol_kind::S_mov_source: // mov_source yylhs.value.emplace< enum mov > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_mov_op: // mov_op yylhs.value.emplace< enum mov_op > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_INT: // "integer" yylhs.value.emplace< int > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_instruction: // instruction case symbol_kind::S_base_instruction: // base_instruction yylhs.value.emplace< std::shared_ptr > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_value: // value case symbol_kind::S_expression: // expression case symbol_kind::S_delay: // delay case symbol_kind::S_sideset: // sideset yylhs.value.emplace< std::shared_ptr > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_label_decl: // label_decl case symbol_kind::S_symbol_def: // symbol_def yylhs.value.emplace< std::shared_ptr > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_wait_source: // wait_source yylhs.value.emplace< std::shared_ptr > (); break; case symbol_kind::S_ID: // "identifier" case symbol_kind::S_STRING: // "string" case symbol_kind::S_NON_WS: // "text" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_START: // "code block" case symbol_kind::S_CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS: // "%}" case symbol_kind::S_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE: // UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE yylhs.value.emplace< std::string > (); break; default: break; } // Default location. { stack_type::slice range (yystack_, yylen); YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yylhs.location, range, yylen); yyerror_range[1].location = yylhs.location; } // Perform the reduction. YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn); #if YY_EXCEPTIONS try #endif // YY_EXCEPTIONS { switch (yyn) { case 2: // file: lines "end of file" { if (pioasm.error_count || pioasm.write_output()) YYABORT; } break; case 5: // line: ".program" "identifier" { if (!pioasm.add_program(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > ())) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "program " << yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > () << " already exists"; error(yylhs.location, msg.str()); abort(); } } break; case 7: // line: instruction { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[0].location, "instruction").add_instruction(yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()); } break; case 8: // line: label_decl instruction { auto &p = pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[0].location, "instruction"); p.add_label(yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()); p.add_instruction(yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()); } break; case 9: // line: label_decl { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[0].location, "label").add_label(yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()); } break; case 12: // line: error { if (pioasm.error_count > 6) { std::cerr << "\ntoo many errors; aborting.\n"; YYABORT; } } break; case 13: // code_block: "code block" "%}" { std::string of = yystack_[1].value.as < std::string > (); if (of.empty()) of = output_format::default_name; pioasm.get_current_program(yylhs.location, "code block", false, false).add_code_block( code_block(yylhs.location, of, yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > ())); } break; case 14: // label_decl: symbol_def ":" { yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->is_label = true; yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 15: // directive: ".define" symbol_def expression { yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->is_label = false; yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->value = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[2].location, ".define", false, false).add_symbol(yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()); } break; case 16: // directive: ".origin" value { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[1].location, ".origin", true).set_origin(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()); } break; case 17: // directive: ".side_set" value "opt" "pindirs" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[3].location, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(yylhs.location, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), true, true); } break; case 18: // directive: ".side_set" value "opt" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[2].location, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(yylhs.location, yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), true, false); } break; case 19: // directive: ".side_set" value "pindirs" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[2].location, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(yylhs.location, yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), false, true); } break; case 20: // directive: ".side_set" value { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[1].location, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), false, false); } break; case 21: // directive: ".wrap_target" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[0].location, ".wrap_target").set_wrap_target(yylhs.location); } break; case 22: // directive: ".wrap" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[0].location, ".wrap").set_wrap(yylhs.location); } break; case 23: // directive: ".word" value { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[1].location, "instruction").add_instruction(std::shared_ptr(new instr_word(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()))); } break; case 24: // directive: ".lang_opt" "text" "text" "=" "integer" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[4].location, ".lang_opt").add_lang_opt(yystack_[3].value.as < std::string > (), yystack_[2].value.as < std::string > (), std::to_string(yystack_[0].value.as < int > ())); } break; case 25: // directive: ".lang_opt" "text" "text" "=" "string" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[4].location, ".lang_opt").add_lang_opt(yystack_[3].value.as < std::string > (), yystack_[2].value.as < std::string > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > ()); } break; case 26: // directive: ".lang_opt" "text" "text" "=" "text" { pioasm.get_current_program(yystack_[4].location, ".lang_opt").add_lang_opt(yystack_[3].value.as < std::string > (), yystack_[2].value.as < std::string > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > ()); } break; case 27: // directive: ".lang_opt" error { error(yylhs.location, "expected format is .lang_opt language option_name = option_value"); } break; case 28: // directive: UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE { std::stringstream msg; msg << "unknown directive " << yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > (); throw syntax_error(yylhs.location, msg.str()); } break; case 29: // value: "integer" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = resolvable_int(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < int > ()); } break; case 30: // value: "identifier" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new name_ref(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > ())); } break; case 31: // value: "(" expression ")" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 32: // expression: value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 33: // expression: expression "+" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::add, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 34: // expression: expression "-" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::subtract, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 35: // expression: expression "*" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::multiply, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 36: // expression: expression "/" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::divide, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 37: // expression: expression "|" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::or_, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 38: // expression: expression "&" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::and_, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 39: // expression: expression "^" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new binary_operation(yylhs.location, binary_operation::xor_, yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 40: // expression: "-" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new unary_operation(yylhs.location, unary_operation::negate, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 41: // expression: "::" expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new unary_operation(yylhs.location, unary_operation::reverse, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 42: // instruction: base_instruction sideset delay { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->sideset = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->delay = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 43: // instruction: base_instruction delay sideset { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[2].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->delay = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->sideset = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 44: // instruction: base_instruction sideset { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->sideset = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->delay = resolvable_int(yylhs.location, 0); } break; case 45: // instruction: base_instruction delay { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->delay = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 46: // instruction: base_instruction { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > ()->delay = resolvable_int(yylhs.location, 0); } break; case 47: // base_instruction: "nop" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_nop(yylhs.location)); } break; case 48: // base_instruction: "jmp" condition comma expression { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_jmp(yylhs.location, yystack_[2].value.as < enum condition > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 49: // base_instruction: "wait" value wait_source { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_wait(yylhs.location, yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 50: // base_instruction: "wait" value "," value { std::stringstream msg; location l; l.begin = yystack_[2].location.end; l.end = yystack_[1].location.end; msg << "expected irq, gpio or pin after the polarity value and before the \",\""; throw yy::parser::syntax_error(l, msg.str()); } break; case 51: // base_instruction: "wait" wait_source { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_wait(yylhs.location, resolvable_int(yylhs.location, 1), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 52: // base_instruction: "in" in_source comma value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_in(yylhs.location, yystack_[2].value.as < enum in_out_set > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 53: // base_instruction: "out" out_target comma value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_out(yylhs.location, yystack_[2].value.as < enum in_out_set > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 54: // base_instruction: "push" if_full blocking { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_push(yylhs.location, yystack_[1].value.as < bool > (), yystack_[0].value.as < bool > ())); } break; case 55: // base_instruction: "pull" if_empty blocking { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_pull(yylhs.location, yystack_[1].value.as < bool > (), yystack_[0].value.as < bool > ())); } break; case 56: // base_instruction: "mov" mov_target comma mov_op mov_source { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_mov(yylhs.location, yystack_[3].value.as < enum mov > (), yystack_[0].value.as < enum mov > (), yystack_[1].value.as < enum mov_op > ())); } break; case 57: // base_instruction: "irq" irq_modifiers value "rel" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_irq(yylhs.location, yystack_[2].value.as < enum irq > (), yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), true)); } break; case 58: // base_instruction: "irq" irq_modifiers value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_irq(yylhs.location, yystack_[1].value.as < enum irq > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 59: // base_instruction: "set" set_target comma value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new instr_set(yylhs.location, yystack_[2].value.as < enum in_out_set > (), yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 60: // delay: "[" expression "]" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 61: // sideset: "side" value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (); } break; case 62: // condition: "!" "x" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::xz; } break; case 63: // condition: "x" "--" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::xnz__; } break; case 64: // condition: "!" "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::yz; } break; case 65: // condition: "y" "--" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::ynz__; } break; case 66: // condition: "x" "!=" "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::xney; } break; case 67: // condition: "pin" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::pin; } break; case 68: // condition: "!" "osre" { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::osrez; } break; case 69: // condition: %empty { yylhs.value.as < enum condition > () = condition::al; } break; case 70: // wait_source: "irq" comma value "rel" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new wait_source(wait_source::irq, yystack_[1].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), true)); } break; case 71: // wait_source: "irq" comma value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new wait_source(wait_source::irq, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > (), false)); } break; case 72: // wait_source: "gpio" comma value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new wait_source(wait_source::gpio, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 73: // wait_source: "pin" comma value { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new wait_source(wait_source::pin, yystack_[0].value.as < std::shared_ptr > ())); } break; case 76: // in_source: "pins" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_pins; } break; case 77: // in_source: "x" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_x; } break; case 78: // in_source: "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_y; } break; case 79: // in_source: "null" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_null; } break; case 80: // in_source: "isr" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_isr; } break; case 81: // in_source: "osr" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_osr; } break; case 82: // in_source: "status" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_status; } break; case 83: // out_target: "pins" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_pins; } break; case 84: // out_target: "x" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_x; } break; case 85: // out_target: "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_y; } break; case 86: // out_target: "null" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_null; } break; case 87: // out_target: "pindirs" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_pindirs; } break; case 88: // out_target: "isr" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_isr; } break; case 89: // out_target: "pc" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::out_set_pc; } break; case 90: // out_target: "exec" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::out_exec; } break; case 91: // mov_target: "pins" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::pins; } break; case 92: // mov_target: "x" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::x; } break; case 93: // mov_target: "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::y; } break; case 94: // mov_target: "exec" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::exec; } break; case 95: // mov_target: "pc" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::pc; } break; case 96: // mov_target: "isr" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::isr; } break; case 97: // mov_target: "osr" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::osr; } break; case 98: // mov_source: "pins" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::pins; } break; case 99: // mov_source: "x" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::x; } break; case 100: // mov_source: "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::y; } break; case 101: // mov_source: "null" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::null; } break; case 102: // mov_source: "status" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::status; } break; case 103: // mov_source: "isr" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::isr; } break; case 104: // mov_source: "osr" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov > () = mov::osr; } break; case 105: // mov_op: "!" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov_op > () = mov_op::invert; } break; case 106: // mov_op: "::" { yylhs.value.as < enum mov_op > () = mov_op::bit_reverse; } break; case 107: // mov_op: %empty { yylhs.value.as < enum mov_op > () = mov_op::none; } break; case 108: // set_target: "pins" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_pins; } break; case 109: // set_target: "x" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_x; } break; case 110: // set_target: "y" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_y; } break; case 111: // set_target: "pindirs" { yylhs.value.as < enum in_out_set > () = in_out_set::in_out_set_pindirs; } break; case 112: // if_full: "iffull" { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = true; } break; case 113: // if_full: %empty { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = false; } break; case 114: // if_empty: "ifempty" { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = true; } break; case 115: // if_empty: %empty { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = false; } break; case 116: // blocking: "block" { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = true; } break; case 117: // blocking: "noblock" { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = false; } break; case 118: // blocking: %empty { yylhs.value.as < bool > () = true; } break; case 119: // irq_modifiers: "clear" { yylhs.value.as < enum irq > () = irq::clear; } break; case 120: // irq_modifiers: "wait" { yylhs.value.as < enum irq > () = irq::set_wait; } break; case 121: // irq_modifiers: "nowait" { yylhs.value.as < enum irq > () = irq::set; } break; case 122: // irq_modifiers: "set" { yylhs.value.as < enum irq > () = irq::set; } break; case 123: // irq_modifiers: %empty { yylhs.value.as < enum irq > () = irq::set; } break; case 124: // symbol_def: "identifier" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new symbol(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > ())); } break; case 125: // symbol_def: "public" "identifier" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new symbol(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > (), true)); } break; case 126: // symbol_def: "*" "identifier" { yylhs.value.as < std::shared_ptr > () = std::shared_ptr(new symbol(yylhs.location, yystack_[0].value.as < std::string > (), true)); } break; default: break; } } #if YY_EXCEPTIONS catch (const syntax_error& yyexc) { YYCDEBUG << "Caught exception: " << yyexc.what() << '\n'; error (yyexc); YYERROR; } #endif // YY_EXCEPTIONS YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yylhs); yypop_ (yylen); yylen = 0; // Shift the result of the reduction. yypush_ (YY_NULLPTR, YY_MOVE (yylhs)); } goto yynewstate; /*--------------------------------------. | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error. | `--------------------------------------*/ yyerrlab: // If not already recovering from an error, report this error. if (!yyerrstatus_) { ++yynerrs_; context yyctx (*this, yyla); std::string msg = yysyntax_error_ (yyctx); error (yyla.location, YY_MOVE (msg)); } yyerror_range[1].location = yyla.location; if (yyerrstatus_ == 3) { /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an error, discard it. */ // Return failure if at end of input. if (yyla.kind () == symbol_kind::S_YYEOF) YYABORT; else if (!yyla.empty ()) { yy_destroy_ ("Error: discarding", yyla); yyla.clear (); } } // Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error token. goto yyerrlab1; /*---------------------------------------------------. | yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR. | `---------------------------------------------------*/ yyerrorlab: /* Pacify compilers when the user code never invokes YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user code. */ if (false) YYERROR; /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered this YYERROR. */ yypop_ (yylen); yylen = 0; YY_STACK_PRINT (); goto yyerrlab1; /*-------------------------------------------------------------. | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. | `-------------------------------------------------------------*/ yyerrlab1: yyerrstatus_ = 3; // Each real token shifted decrements this. // Pop stack until we find a state that shifts the error token. for (;;) { yyn = yypact_[+yystack_[0].state]; if (!yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn)) { yyn += symbol_kind::S_YYerror; if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= yylast_ && yycheck_[yyn] == symbol_kind::S_YYerror) { yyn = yytable_[yyn]; if (0 < yyn) break; } } // Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. if (yystack_.size () == 1) YYABORT; yyerror_range[1].location = yystack_[0].location; yy_destroy_ ("Error: popping", yystack_[0]); yypop_ (); YY_STACK_PRINT (); } { stack_symbol_type error_token; yyerror_range[2].location = yyla.location; YYLLOC_DEFAULT (error_token.location, yyerror_range, 2); // Shift the error token. yy_lac_discard_ ("error recovery"); error_token.state = state_type (yyn); yypush_ ("Shifting", YY_MOVE (error_token)); } goto yynewstate; /*-------------------------------------. | yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here. | `-------------------------------------*/ yyacceptlab: yyresult = 0; goto yyreturn; /*-----------------------------------. | yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here. | `-----------------------------------*/ yyabortlab: yyresult = 1; goto yyreturn; /*-----------------------------------------------------. | yyreturn -- parsing is finished, return the result. | `-----------------------------------------------------*/ yyreturn: if (!yyla.empty ()) yy_destroy_ ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead", yyla); /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered this YYABORT or YYACCEPT. */ yypop_ (yylen); YY_STACK_PRINT (); while (1 < yystack_.size ()) { yy_destroy_ ("Cleanup: popping", yystack_[0]); yypop_ (); } return yyresult; } #if YY_EXCEPTIONS catch (...) { YYCDEBUG << "Exception caught: cleaning lookahead and stack\n"; // Do not try to display the values of the reclaimed symbols, // as their printers might throw an exception. if (!yyla.empty ()) yy_destroy_ (YY_NULLPTR, yyla); while (1 < yystack_.size ()) { yy_destroy_ (YY_NULLPTR, yystack_[0]); yypop_ (); } throw; } #endif // YY_EXCEPTIONS } void parser::error (const syntax_error& yyexc) { error (yyexc.location, yyexc.what ()); } /* Return YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than backslash-backslash). YYSTR is taken from yytname. */ std::string parser::yytnamerr_ (const char *yystr) { if (*yystr == '"') { std::string yyr; char const *yyp = yystr; for (;;) switch (*++yyp) { case '\'': case ',': goto do_not_strip_quotes; case '\\': if (*++yyp != '\\') goto do_not_strip_quotes; else goto append; append: default: yyr += *yyp; break; case '"': return yyr; } do_not_strip_quotes: ; } return yystr; } std::string parser::symbol_name (symbol_kind_type yysymbol) { return yytnamerr_ (yytname_[yysymbol]); } // parser::context. parser::context::context (const parser& yyparser, const symbol_type& yyla) : yyparser_ (yyparser) , yyla_ (yyla) {} int parser::context::expected_tokens (symbol_kind_type yyarg[], int yyargn) const { // Actual number of expected tokens int yycount = 0; #if YYDEBUG // Execute LAC once. We don't care if it is successful, we // only do it for the sake of debugging output. if (!yyparser_.yy_lac_established_) yyparser_.yy_lac_check_ (yyla_.kind ()); #endif for (int yyx = 0; yyx < YYNTOKENS; ++yyx) { symbol_kind_type yysym = YY_CAST (symbol_kind_type, yyx); if (yysym != symbol_kind::S_YYerror && yysym != symbol_kind::S_YYUNDEF && yyparser_.yy_lac_check_ (yysym)) { if (!yyarg) ++yycount; else if (yycount == yyargn) return 0; else yyarg[yycount++] = yysym; } } if (yyarg && yycount == 0 && 0 < yyargn) yyarg[0] = symbol_kind::S_YYEMPTY; return yycount; } bool parser::yy_lac_check_ (symbol_kind_type yytoken) const { // Logically, the yylac_stack's lifetime is confined to this function. // Clear it, to get rid of potential left-overs from previous call. yylac_stack_.clear (); // Reduce until we encounter a shift and thereby accept the token. #if YYDEBUG YYCDEBUG << "LAC: checking lookahead " << symbol_name (yytoken) << ':'; #endif std::ptrdiff_t lac_top = 0; while (true) { state_type top_state = (yylac_stack_.empty () ? yystack_[lac_top].state : yylac_stack_.back ()); int yyrule = yypact_[+top_state]; if (yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyrule) || (yyrule += yytoken) < 0 || yylast_ < yyrule || yycheck_[yyrule] != yytoken) { // Use the default action. yyrule = yydefact_[+top_state]; if (yyrule == 0) { YYCDEBUG << " Err\n"; return false; } } else { // Use the action from yytable. yyrule = yytable_[yyrule]; if (yy_table_value_is_error_ (yyrule)) { YYCDEBUG << " Err\n"; return false; } if (0 < yyrule) { YYCDEBUG << " S" << yyrule << '\n'; return true; } yyrule = -yyrule; } // By now we know we have to simulate a reduce. YYCDEBUG << " R" << yyrule - 1; // Pop the corresponding number of values from the stack. { std::ptrdiff_t yylen = yyr2_[yyrule]; // First pop from the LAC stack as many tokens as possible. std::ptrdiff_t lac_size = std::ptrdiff_t (yylac_stack_.size ()); if (yylen < lac_size) { yylac_stack_.resize (std::size_t (lac_size - yylen)); yylen = 0; } else if (lac_size) { yylac_stack_.clear (); yylen -= lac_size; } // Only afterwards look at the main stack. // We simulate popping elements by incrementing lac_top. lac_top += yylen; } // Keep top_state in sync with the updated stack. top_state = (yylac_stack_.empty () ? yystack_[lac_top].state : yylac_stack_.back ()); // Push the resulting state of the reduction. state_type state = yy_lr_goto_state_ (top_state, yyr1_[yyrule]); YYCDEBUG << " G" << int (state); yylac_stack_.push_back (state); } } // Establish the initial context if no initial context currently exists. bool parser::yy_lac_establish_ (symbol_kind_type yytoken) { /* Establish the initial context for the current lookahead if no initial context is currently established. We define a context as a snapshot of the parser stacks. We define the initial context for a lookahead as the context in which the parser initially examines that lookahead in order to select a syntactic action. Thus, if the lookahead eventually proves syntactically unacceptable (possibly in a later context reached via a series of reductions), the initial context can be used to determine the exact set of tokens that would be syntactically acceptable in the lookahead's place. Moreover, it is the context after which any further semantic actions would be erroneous because they would be determined by a syntactically unacceptable token. yy_lac_establish_ should be invoked when a reduction is about to be performed in an inconsistent state (which, for the purposes of LAC, includes consistent states that don't know they're consistent because their default reductions have been disabled). For parse.lac=full, the implementation of yy_lac_establish_ is as follows. If no initial context is currently established for the current lookahead, then check if that lookahead can eventually be shifted if syntactic actions continue from the current context. */ if (!yy_lac_established_) { #if YYDEBUG YYCDEBUG << "LAC: initial context established for " << symbol_name (yytoken) << '\n'; #endif yy_lac_established_ = true; return yy_lac_check_ (yytoken); } return true; } // Discard any previous initial lookahead context. void parser::yy_lac_discard_ (const char* evt) { /* Discard any previous initial lookahead context because of Event, which may be a lookahead change or an invalidation of the currently established initial context for the current lookahead. The most common example of a lookahead change is a shift. An example of both cases is syntax error recovery. That is, a syntax error occurs when the lookahead is syntactically erroneous for the currently established initial context, so error recovery manipulates the parser stacks to try to find a new initial context in which the current lookahead is syntactically acceptable. If it fails to find such a context, it discards the lookahead. */ if (yy_lac_established_) { YYCDEBUG << "LAC: initial context discarded due to " << evt << '\n'; yy_lac_established_ = false; } } int parser::yy_syntax_error_arguments_ (const context& yyctx, symbol_kind_type yyarg[], int yyargn) const { /* There are many possibilities here to consider: - If this state is a consistent state with a default action, then the only way this function was invoked is if the default action is an error action. In that case, don't check for expected tokens because there are none. - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in yyla) is if this state is a consistent state with a default action. Thus, detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to determine that there is no unexpected or expected token to report. In that case, just report a simple "syntax error". - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this state is a consistent state with a default action. There might have been a previous inconsistent state, consistent state with a non-default action, or user semantic action that manipulated yyla. (However, yyla is currently not documented for users.) In the first two cases, it might appear that the current syntax error should have been detected in the previous state when yy_lac_check was invoked. However, at that time, there might have been a different syntax error that discarded a different initial context during error recovery, leaving behind the current lookahead. */ if (!yyctx.lookahead ().empty ()) { if (yyarg) yyarg[0] = yyctx.token (); int yyn = yyctx.expected_tokens (yyarg ? yyarg + 1 : yyarg, yyargn - 1); return yyn + 1; } return 0; } // Generate an error message. std::string parser::yysyntax_error_ (const context& yyctx) const { // Its maximum. enum { YYARGS_MAX = 5 }; // Arguments of yyformat. symbol_kind_type yyarg[YYARGS_MAX]; int yycount = yy_syntax_error_arguments_ (yyctx, yyarg, YYARGS_MAX); char const* yyformat = YY_NULLPTR; switch (yycount) { #define YYCASE_(N, S) \ case N: \ yyformat = S; \ break default: // Avoid compiler warnings. YYCASE_ (0, YY_("syntax error")); YYCASE_ (1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s")); YYCASE_ (2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s")); YYCASE_ (3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s")); YYCASE_ (4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s")); YYCASE_ (5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s")); #undef YYCASE_ } std::string yyres; // Argument number. std::ptrdiff_t yyi = 0; for (char const* yyp = yyformat; *yyp; ++yyp) if (yyp[0] == '%' && yyp[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount) { yyres += symbol_name (yyarg[yyi++]); ++yyp; } else yyres += *yyp; return yyres; } const signed char parser::yypact_ninf_ = -52; const signed char parser::yytable_ninf_ = -12; const short parser::yypact_[] = { 3, -52, -41, -39, -52, -52, -3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 44, 10, 0, 101, 18, 30, 94, 51, 50, -52, 20, -52, 13, -52, 88, 17, -52, -52, 129, -52, -52, 2, 85, -52, -52, 1, 1, -52, -52, 40, -52, -52, -52, 42, 58, -52, 28, 96, 120, 120, 120, 120, 15, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, 120, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, 120, -52, 63, -52, 63, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, 120, -52, -52, -52, -52, 5, -52, -52, -52, -52, 120, -52, -52, -52, -52, 3, -52, 1, 5, 45, 130, -52, 1, 1, -52, 177, 162, -52, 97, 132, -52, -52, -52, -52, 87, -52, -52, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, -52, 5, 5, -52, -52, -52, -52, 29, 118, 5, -52, 170, -52, -52, -52, 182, 177, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -52, -52, -51, -52, 177, 119, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, 82, -52, -52, -52, 182, 182, 107, 107, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52 }; const signed char parser::yydefact_[] = { 0, 12, 0, 0, 21, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 0, 0, 0, 113, 115, 0, 123, 0, 47, 0, 124, 0, 28, 0, 0, 3, 10, 9, 6, 7, 46, 0, 126, 5, 0, 0, 30, 29, 20, 23, 16, 27, 0, 0, 67, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75, 75, 0, 51, 76, 79, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 75, 83, 86, 87, 84, 85, 90, 89, 88, 75, 112, 118, 114, 118, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 75, 120, 122, 121, 119, 0, 108, 111, 109, 110, 75, 125, 13, 1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 45, 44, 14, 0, 0, 32, 15, 0, 19, 18, 0, 68, 62, 64, 63, 0, 65, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 0, 116, 117, 54, 55, 107, 58, 0, 4, 0, 61, 43, 42, 40, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 17, 0, 66, 48, 71, 73, 72, 50, 52, 53, 105, 106, 0, 57, 59, 60, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 25, 26, 24, 70, 98, 101, 99, 100, 103, 104, 102, 56 }; const short parser::yypgoto_[] = { -52, -52, -52, 102, -52, -52, -52, -7, -14, 172, -52, 99, 103, -52, 146, 25, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, -52, 128, -52, 198 }; const short parser::yydefgoto_[] = { -1, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 107, 108, 31, 32, 102, 103, 49, 54, 120, 62, 71, 83, 184, 162, 93, 73, 75, 130, 88, 33 }; const short parser::yytable_[] = { 40, 41, 42, -11, 1, 53, -11, 37, 43, 2, 100, 37, 105, 173, 174, 2, 37, 97, 175, 124, 98, 106, 34, 109, 35, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 55, 56, 116, 117, 50, 160, 161, 51, 52, 50, 57, 58, 51, 52, 59, 60, 21, 22, 61, 101, 45, 38, 21, 22, 72, 38, 23, 39, 24, 44, 38, 39, 121, 122, 123, 74, 39, 95, 133, 84, 94, 46, 110, 136, 126, 96, 85, 104, 140, 141, 89, 137, 90, 127, 47, 48, 111, 113, 86, 87, 91, 92, 101, 153, 112, 132, 128, 129, 114, 115, 118, 154, 155, 156, 157, 134, 158, 159, 146, 147, 148, 119, 177, 178, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 179, 180, 76, 100, 181, 182, 152, 150, 183, 63, 64, 65, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 151, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 149, 163, 176, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 165, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 125, 135, 99, 139, 131, 36, 138 }; const unsigned char parser::yycheck_[] = { 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 12, 3, 6, 1, 12, 8, 6, 11, 64, 65, 12, 6, 0, 69, 4, 3, 20, 63, 37, 63, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 17, 18, 37, 19, 20, 40, 41, 37, 53, 54, 40, 41, 57, 58, 62, 63, 61, 60, 19, 63, 62, 63, 49, 63, 66, 69, 68, 65, 63, 69, 50, 51, 52, 48, 69, 67, 88, 31, 63, 40, 45, 100, 62, 0, 38, 5, 105, 106, 43, 101, 45, 71, 53, 54, 59, 42, 50, 51, 53, 54, 60, 120, 65, 83, 46, 47, 53, 54, 17, 121, 122, 123, 124, 93, 126, 127, 14, 15, 16, 4, 43, 44, 134, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 53, 54, 43, 8, 57, 58, 54, 45, 61, 43, 44, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 21, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 7, 52, 52, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 53, 98, 29, 103, 75, 6, 102 }; const signed char parser::yystos_[] = { 0, 1, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 62, 63, 66, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 96, 63, 63, 96, 6, 63, 69, 77, 77, 77, 1, 65, 19, 40, 53, 54, 83, 37, 40, 41, 77, 84, 43, 44, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 86, 43, 44, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 87, 49, 92, 48, 93, 43, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 88, 31, 38, 50, 51, 95, 43, 45, 53, 54, 91, 63, 67, 0, 0, 3, 79, 8, 60, 81, 82, 5, 11, 20, 77, 78, 78, 45, 59, 65, 42, 53, 54, 17, 18, 17, 4, 85, 85, 85, 85, 4, 84, 85, 85, 46, 47, 94, 94, 85, 77, 85, 73, 78, 77, 82, 81, 78, 78, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 7, 45, 21, 54, 78, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 19, 20, 90, 52, 77, 9, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 64, 65, 69, 52, 43, 44, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 89 }; const signed char parser::yyr1_[] = { 0, 70, 71, 72, 72, 73, 73, 73, 73, 73, 73, 73, 73, 74, 75, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 77, 77, 77, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 79, 79, 79, 79, 79, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 81, 82, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 84, 84, 84, 84, 85, 85, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 90, 90, 90, 91, 91, 91, 91, 92, 92, 93, 93, 94, 94, 94, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 96, 96, 96 }; const signed char parser::yyr2_[] = { 0, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 0, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2 }; #if YYDEBUG || 1 // YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM. // First, the terminals, then, starting at \a YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. const char* const parser::yytname_[] = { "\"end of file\"", "error", "\"invalid token\"", "\"end of line\"", "\",\"", "\":\"", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"*\"", "\"/\"", "\"|\"", "\"&\"", "\"^\"", "\"--\"", "\"!=\"", "\"!\"", "\"::\"", "\"=\"", "\".program\"", "\".wrap_target\"", "\".wrap\"", "\".define\"", "\".side_set\"", "\".word\"", "\".origin\"", "\".lang_opt\"", "\"jmp\"", "\"wait\"", "\"in\"", "\"out\"", "\"push\"", "\"pull\"", "\"mov\"", "\"irq\"", "\"set\"", "\"nop\"", "\"pin\"", "\"gpio\"", "\"osre\"", "\"pins\"", "\"null\"", "\"pindirs\"", "\"block\"", "\"noblock\"", "\"ifempty\"", "\"iffull\"", "\"nowait\"", "\"clear\"", "\"rel\"", "\"x\"", "\"y\"", "\"exec\"", "\"pc\"", "\"isr\"", "\"osr\"", "\"opt\"", "\"side\"", "\"status\"", "\"public\"", "\"identifier\"", "\"string\"", "\"text\"", "\"code block\"", "\"%}\"", "UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE", "\"integer\"", "$accept", "file", "lines", "line", "code_block", "label_decl", "directive", "value", "expression", "instruction", "base_instruction", "delay", "sideset", "condition", "wait_source", "comma", "in_source", "out_target", "mov_target", "mov_source", "mov_op", "set_target", "if_full", "if_empty", "blocking", "irq_modifiers", "symbol_def", YY_NULLPTR }; #endif #if YYDEBUG const short parser::yyrline_[] = { 0, 136, 136, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 159, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 180, 181, 182, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 224, 228, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 248, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 289, 290, 291, 295, 296, 297, 298, 302, 303, 307, 308, 312, 313, 314, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 327, 328 }; void parser::yy_stack_print_ () const { *yycdebug_ << "Stack now"; for (stack_type::const_iterator i = yystack_.begin (), i_end = yystack_.end (); i != i_end; ++i) *yycdebug_ << ' ' << int (i->state); *yycdebug_ << '\n'; } void parser::yy_reduce_print_ (int yyrule) const { int yylno = yyrline_[yyrule]; int yynrhs = yyr2_[yyrule]; // Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. *yycdebug_ << "Reducing stack by rule " << yyrule - 1 << " (line " << yylno << "):\n"; // The symbols being reduced. for (int yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++) YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (" $" << yyi + 1 << " =", yystack_[(yynrhs) - (yyi + 1)]); } #endif // YYDEBUG } // yy void yy::parser::error(const location_type& l, const std::string& m) { if (l.begin.filename) { std::cerr << l << ": " << m << '\n'; pioasm.error_count++; if (l.begin.line == l.end.line && *l.begin.filename == *l.end.filename) { std::ifstream file(l.begin.filename->c_str()); std::string line; for(int i = 0; i < l.begin.line; ++i) { std::getline(file, line); } fprintf(stderr, "%5d | %s\n", l.begin.line, line.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "%5s | %*s", "", l.begin.column, "^"); for (int i = l.begin.column; i < l.end.column - 1; i++) { putc ('~', stderr); } putc ('\n', stderr); } } else { std::cerr << m << '\n'; } }